“She’s the one from Sex Lives of College Girls , right?” Annalise and Nathalie loved that show. They had devoured each season in just a night.

“Yes, but more importantly, she’s a bi-con.”

“She’s bi?” Annalise knew she played a queer character, but she had no idea she was bi in real life.

“You’re so cute.” Brinley laughed then unfortunately removed her hand from Annalise’s arm and walked away. She held her phone, which still had music blasting from the speakers, up in the air. “Meet Fletcher. She’s gay, she’s hot, and she’s an amazing singer. I have a new assignment for you. Before we meet next time, I want you to listen to her music and write an essay on which song is your favorite and why. ”

“An essay?” Now it was Annalise who laughed.

“It can be written in your head if you prefer. I just need to know your thoughts.”

“Deal.” Annalise walked over to the stove where the bacon and eggs sat, cooked and ready. She pointed to the food. “Is that for me?”

“Of course.” Brinley looked deep into Annalise’s eyes before moving her own eyes all over Annalise’s body. Even though she was fully clothed at that moment, Annalise felt naked and completely revealed. “I thought you earned it after last night.”

Is she talking about…? Oh, God, she definitely is. Look at those eyes. They’re ravenous. Annalise’s body was now screaming at her, begging her to take what she really wanted. “I’m starving.” Annalise licked her lips as she stared back at Brinley just as deeply. “But not for food.”

For a moment, Brinley’s eyebrows furrowed as if she was confused. “What are you—?” Her eyes went comically wide. “Oh. Oh! Bedroom? Now?”

Annalise nodded. If she could see herself, she would probably laugh at how intense she looked with all of her muscles tightened and her head bobbing up and down as if she had just been asked if she wanted air in a room completely devoid of oxygen. This moment was much too charged to be funny though, so she squeaked out a just-barely-audible, “Yes, please.”

Brinley smirked and lifted an eyebrow. “I love how polite you are when you get nervous.”

There was no time for small talk or flirting. Annalise needed this and she needed it now. Without saying another word, she turned around and speed-walked to Brinley’s room, tearing off her clothes as soon as she was in the door.

When she turned around, Brinley was pulling up her shirt, but Annalise put a hand out to stop her. “Wait. I wanna do it.”

She hadn’t gotten the chance last night, so now it was all she could think about. She nodded toward Brinley’s bed. “Sit down.”

Brinley sat at the edge of the bed just like Annalise hoped she would. When Annalise knelt in front of her and brought a hand to the bottom of her shirt, Brinley lifted her arms. Annalise slowly pulled off the shirt and gasped when she realized Brinley wasn’t wearing a bra. Her boobs weren’t very big, but they were perfect. Annalise definitely hadn’t paid enough attention to them last night, but she wasn’t going to make the mistake again.

She leaned in and took one into her mouth, while bringing her hand up to the other one. God, she was horny. In the past, touching another person had never turned her on like this, but she was pretty sure she had never touched someone with a body as amazing as Brinley’s. She was also shocked how easy this was for her. She expected to be more hesitant, but she wasn’t at all. She loved the way it felt with Brinley in her hand and mouth.

Speaking of mouth… She meant what she said about being starving. She was ready to taste Brinley. She couldn’t remember the last time she was hungry for anything, let alone a person. She was hungry for Brinley though. So hungry.

She backed away from her slightly and tugged at her shorts. Brinley lifted her hips to help Annalise get them off. No underwear. Annalise licked her lips. There were no nerves, just need. She looked up at Brinley to make sure she had permission to continue what she was so desperate for.

Brinley swallowed hard and watched Annalise with just as many questions in her eyes. “Are… are you sure?”


Brinley smirked and ran a hand through Annalise’s hair. “You’re amazing.”

That was more than enough encouragement for Annalise. Without giving it another thought or worrying about whether she was going to do a bad job, she ran her tongue up Brinley’s center. She tasted tangy, yet sweet. It was like nothing Annalise had ever tasted before, even much different than the taste of herself that Clarissa had given her. Much to her surprise, she loved it and wanted more. She swiped her tongue once again and was happy when she heard soft moans coming from Brinley’s direction.

“You’re doing so good, baby. Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”

Instead of answering with words, Annalise licked her once again. She moved her mouth to the side and placed kisses along Brinley’s thighs before placing another one right over her center. She let her mind wander to what she enjoyed that others had done to her in the past. She licked through Brinley’s folds until she reached her clit, which she twirled around with her tongue.

“Shit. Yes. Yes. Suck me, baby. Suck me.”

Annalise did as she was instructed and sucked Brinley’s clit into her mouth. For a second, nerves overtook her. Sweat gathered on her forehead, her heart beat all the way up in her throat. But then Brinley moaned once again, this time even louder, and her nerves floated away. She wanted to hear more of that. She wanted to taste the signs of Brinley’s pleasure, and she wanted Brinley to come in her mouth. Please. There was nothing she wanted more. She wanted Brinley to climax against her and she wanted to drink it all up.

Now she was on a mission. She had a goal and she was going to reach it. She moved her tongue down until she reached an area that was even wetter than where she had just been. She only hesitated for a brief moment before tentatively slipping her tongue inside of Brinley.

“Fuck. Yes. Right there.”

With Brinley’s encouragement, the next push of her tongue was anything but tentative. She quickly moved it in and out, pushing it in harder and deeper with each plunge. Brinley helped by moving her hips and thrusting against Annalise’s face. It was all so primal. So animalistic. So fucking sexy .