As Brinley panted above her, Annalise remembered the one thing that was sure to send her over the edge when she was close. She replaced her tongue with two fingers and drove them in and out just as hard. She moved her tongue back to Brinley’s clit and worked there while her fingers continued their work down below.

Brinley’s thrusts became harder and more needy and when Annalise was sure she was right there, she switched the positions of her fingers and tongue one more time. She needed to maximize the extent of pleasure she tasted on her tongue, and even without prior experience, she knew this was the way to do it.

At the same time Brinley screamed out, a warm liquid flooded Annalise’s mouth. While it still tasted like Brinley, it also tasted different somehow. Better . She let herself bask in the taste before licking up the rest of the wetness that remained. She didn’t need food. She didn’t need water. She was pretty sure she could live off Brinley Adams for the rest of her life, and at that moment, that was good enough for her.

She sat back and leaned against her elbows , eyes closed as she took in the feeling of absolute bliss that was filling her whole body. When she opened them and looked up at Brinley, she was already staring at her with wide, sparkling eyes.

“That was…” Brinley also leaned back and shook her head, chuckling slightly as she did. “Are you sure you’ve never done that before?”

Annalise could feel her face turning red with embarrassment. Now that the moment was over, she could fully contemplate what she had just done and while she didn’t regret it, she was still anxious over it. What does it mean? Stop. Don’t overthink. It was awesome. You want to do it again. That’s all that matters right now. “Not that exactly. I haven’t gone down on a woman. I’ve obviously—”

Brinley put up a hand to stop Annalise’s rambling. “Please stop. Don’t ruin my lesbian post-orgasm bliss by talking about what you’ve done with penises.”

Annalise smiled. She could physically feel some of her anxiety leaving her body, like an actual weight being lifted off her shoulders. It was amazing how Brinley could do that with just a few words. How one laugh from Brinley made her completely grounded. It was a million times more potent than any anxiety medicine she had ever tried.

She forced herself up off the floor and was able to get her wobbly legs as far as the bed, where she sat down next to Brinley and placed a hand on her leg. She quickly moved it, because that one touch made her crave even more. It was as if Brinley was a drug and she couldn’t control herself. “So, you’re sure I did okay? Because any advice you have, I’m happy to take. I am your student after all.”

“Advice. Hm.” Brinley tapped her chin as if she was really considering it. “My only advice is to work on your confidence. I know I’m going to have to say it a million times for you to actually start to believe me, but you have the mouth of a goddess. You’re amazing, and I’m actually blown away that you’ve never done that before. Frankly, it’s unnatural how good you are. Anyway, since I know you well enough by now to know you just think I’m blowing smoke up your ass, my advice is to fake it until you make it. Without being over the top, act as if you know you’re the baddest bitch around. You’re going to blow some woman’s world, and you need to walk into every hookup acting like you already know that. It will make you even hotter than you already are.”

“Is that so?” With a newfound confidence, Annalise pushed Brinley flat onto the bed and climbed on top of her. “Did I blow your world?”

Brinley’s pupils were completely blown, showing just how turned on she was, but the smirk remained on her face. She put her hands on Annalise’s hips and pulled their bodies even closer together. “I thought we already established that, babe.”

Ah. That word. “Confession: I love when you call me babe. It’s such a turn on.”

Annalise hoped she hadn’t confessed too much, but the way Brinley’s smile grew at her words told her she hadn’t. “Confession: I love calling you babe. I like the way it sounds rolling off my lips and the way you look at me whenever you hear it.”

Annalise tilted her head slowly, curiosity getting the best of her. “How do I look at you?”

Brinley licked her lips then bit the bottom one and somehow pulled Annalise even tighter up against her. “Like you can’t wait to touch me.”

Erratic heart. Blurred vision. Pulsing need. It was all there. “Confession: I want to touch you again right now.”

“Confession: I want to touch you, too.”

And they were off. In one swift motion, they slid up the bed together and immediately started to make out, their hands wandering to any and all areas they could reach. At some point, Brinley flipped them around so she was now on top and snaked her hand down Annalise’s body. As she touched her, Annalise did the same. They fucked each other hard and fast and it took no time at all before they both reached another orgasm.

Annalise fell back onto the bed and held her chest as she struggled to catch her breath. “Confession.” Breathe. Breathe. “Now I am actually hungry for food.”

“Confession.” Brinley laughed loudly. “I’m fucking starving. I might chew off my arm if we don’t eat real food soon.”

“Well, then, what are we waiting for?” Annalise winked. If she was supposed to act more confident, she might as well start now.

“Should we eat naked or clothed?”

“Definitely naked. I’m too tired to get dressed.” And you look way too good wearing nothing.

“In bed?”

A million dirty thoughts entered Annalise’s mind at the thought of a naked breakfast in bed. “It sounds like a terrible idea. Let’s do it.”

A ton of bacon, way too many eggs, and two orgasms later, Annalise lay in Brinley’s bed completely satisfied. “I should probably get going.” The last thing Annalise wanted was to leave, but in her mind, that was even more reason to go. She needed time to decompress from everything that had happened between them.

“Are you sure?”

Is that disappointment? Did Brinley actually sound disappointed that Annalise was leaving? Annalise was sure Brinley would be ready to get rid of her at this point, especially since she had just shown up at the bar without an invite in the first place.

“You probably have a lot of studying to get done, don’t you?”