“That’s funny, because I was looking for someone to have sex with.”

Annalise swallowed hard and stared down at the wood separating the two of them. “Really?”

“Absolutely. I just got done telling myself I was going to have sex with the next woman to enter this bar.” Brinley waited for Annalise to look up at her, and once she did, she lifted an eyebrow. “Looks like you’re the lucky winner.”

“I, um…” Annalise made a sound that fell somewhere between a cough and a gag. If she wasn’t so sexy, Brinley probably would have found it a bit gross, but Annalise could somehow pull it off. Her awkwardness only made her more attractive to Brinley.

Brinley could tell she was nervous, so she held up a hand. “Don’t worry. We can stick to lesson six.”

Annalise nodded slowly. “I was hoping we could start there.” Her eyes drilled into Brinley’s, throwing Brinley off balance, so much so that she had to lean on the bar for support. “I don’t want to make any promises now, but if I say I’m ready to move on, don’t stop me this time, okay?”

With the way Annalise was looking at her, she could do anything she wanted to Brinley, and Brinley hoped she would. “ I get off in twenty-five minutes. ” Brinley reached into her pocket and pulled out a key then handed it to Annalise. “Head up and make yourself comfortable. Unless… you want a drink.”

“I don’t need a drink tonight.” Annalise’s message was clear. Whatever happened between them tonight, she didn’t require a buzz for.

Brinley was still trying to process all of this as Annalise walked away.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you let a girl go up to your apartment without you.”

Brinley jumped at the sound of Maddie’s voice from right behind her. She turned around and slapped her with a towel. “You scared the shit out of me. You can’t creep up on people like that.”

“I wasn’t creeping. You were just too distracted to be aware of your surroundings.”

When Maddie lifted her eyebrows and smirked, Brinley knew exactly what she was trying to imply, so she shook her head. “It’s not what you think.”

“Oh, really? Because I think you’re starting to fall for a straight girl.”

“First of all…” I’m not convinced Annalise is completely straight. She obviously wasn’t going to tell Maddie that, especially because it didn’t actually matter, since she absolutely wasn’t falling. “I’m not.”

“Mmhmm. Keep telling yourself that.”

Brinley rolled her eyes. “I don’t do relationships. You know that.”

“Doesn’t mean you can’t have a crush.” Maddie put a hand on Brinley’s chest. “You can’t help what your heart wants.”

“Ew, stop.” Maddie clearly had no idea what she was talking about. Brinley didn’t fall.

Sure, she normally didn’t let random women make themselves at home in her apartment, but Annalise wasn’t random. Brinley wasn’t sure how to classify their relationship, but she thought of Annalise as a friend at this point. She would have no problem giving Maddie the key to her apartment. Why should Annalise be any different?

She kept telling herself this as the next twenty-five minutes passed by. When she walked into her apartment, she found Annalise sitting on her couch, reading a book. At first, Annalise didn’t seem to notice her, so Brinley allowed herself to take in the moment. There was something… oddly comforting… about it. It felt so natural for Annalise to be making herself at home in Brinley’s apartment.

“Hey, you,” Annalise said when she finally looked up from the book, the sweetest smile spread across her face. She put a bookmark in and sat it down beside her.

Brinley walked over to the couch and sat down as well, picking up the book Annalise had been reading. A weird warmth spread through her body when she saw what it was. “I see you took my advice.”

Annalise ran her fingers over the title, The Last to Leave . “I did. I’m only on the first book from the list, but I plan to read them all.”

“This is a good one to start with. Erica Lee is great. I would recommend every single one of her books to absolutely anybody.” Brinley tapped on the cover. “The third-act breakup in this book is stupid though, a total miscommunication trope. Boring. I was like, ‘Could you idiots just talk, please?’”

When Brinley was done rambling, she noticed Annalise was looking at her with an amused look on her face. “Third-act breakup? Miscommunication trope? You really are a nerd, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know.” Brinl ey straddled Annalise’s lap and rubbed up against her. “Would a nerd have you this turned on right now?” Brinley talked a big game, but she was getting just as much (or more) out of this, so she continued to move her body against Annalise’s.

“Who says I’m turned on?” Annalise asked between two deep, shaky breaths.

“Well, your pupils are so huge I can barely see any blue in your eyes right now, your breathing is ragged, and I can already feel your wetness soaking through your jeans.” The last was a lie, but it didn’t change the fact that Annalise was definitely turned on.

“I am not that wet.”