“Ah, but you are wet, huh?” Brinley laughed because Annalise had walked right into her trap.

“I hate you.”

“Do you, though?” Brinley bent down and placed kisses across Annalise’s neck and up her jaw.

She loved everything about this. Annalise definitely wasn’t the only one who was wet. Brinley was so turned on, she could hardly take it. She felt like she might explode any second. That’s what you get for studying instead of having sex.

Annalise didn’t answer with words but instead brought her mouth to Brinley’s. Damn. She somehow got even better at kissing these past few weeks. When their tongues met, it was as if they had never left each other. They continued the dance that they already knew so well.

Annalise’s hands landed on Brinley’s hips and she ran her fingers over the bare skin where her shirt met her pants. As crazy as it was with how long they had been doing this, Brinley was pretty sure this was the most Annalise had ever touched her, at least underneath her clothes. The sensation of those fingers on her was driving her insane. It was such a light touch, but she felt it everywhere, especially all the places she needed those hands to be.

Since she wasn’t going to beg Annalise to do something she wasn’t comfortable with yet, she would do the touching. She used one hand to pull at the bottom of Annalise’s shirt and slipped her other hand between them and into her own pants. She needed to relieve the throbbing down there immediately.

Annalise helped Brinley with getting the shirt over her head then grabbed Brinley’s wrist that was currently aching as she tried to stop the other ache. “Wait.”

Brinley let out an involuntary huff. “What?”

“I want us both to be naked this time.”

Brinley’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. Was she dreaming? “Really?”

Annalise grabbed her jaw and kissed her once again. After leaving her breathless, she pulled away but kept her hand on Brinley’s jaw. “Yes.”

Brinley could barely breathe, let alone form words. “Maybe… we…” She pointed down the hallway. “Bedroom?”

Annalise nodded multiple times as if she was a bobblehead doll in the front of a fast-moving car. “Yes, please.”

Brinley didn’t even know whose hands were removing which clothes from where. All she knew was as soon as they hit her room, they attacked each other, and within seconds, all of their clothes were on the floor.

Brinley panted as she took in Annalise’s body. “I almost forgot how hot you were.”


“No, I’ve thought about it every night.”

Brinley reached out to pull Annalise closer to her, but Annalise stayed rooted in place. “Wait. Really? You’ve been thinking about me? ”

Play it cool, Brinley. Brinley ran her eyes up and down Annalise’s body and licked her lips. “How couldn’t I? Look at you.”

This time, Annalise was the one to reach out. She took Brinley’s hand and brought it to her own wrist. “I want to touch you.” Annalise used one hand to direct Brinley’s fingers around her other wrist. “Show me how.”

Heat. Lust. Affection. All three swirled inside Brinley’s body as if they were a hurricane. “Are… are you sure?”

Annalise stared at her, eyes unblinking, as if she was looking straight into Brinley’s soul. Right before she spoke, she swallowed hard. But those eyes didn’t move. Never once did they falter. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure of anything my entire life.”

Brinley nodded in return. Her mouth was too dry to speak, her brain too dizzy to function. She led Annalise over to the bed, never once loosening the grip from her wrist.

When they were both lying down, she directed Annalise’s hand down her stomach and onto her center. They both gasped at the first contact. Annalise’s fingers were barely touching her, but it still felt like everything Brinley had been dreaming of. When Annalise didn’t show any signs of hesitation, Brinley directed her fingers up through her folds.

Annalise gasped once again. “You’re so wet.”

Brinley nodded. “You did that to me. You always do.”

“Show me what to do next.”

Brinley moved her hand slightly, so she could bring Annalise’s thumb over her clit. Once it was there, she encouraged her to move it in slow circles, biting her lip when she hit just the right spot.

Brinley re moved her hand and allowed Annalise to continue massaging her all on her own. As her thumb continued to work, the room was silent aside from their heavy breathing. Their eyes stayed locked as if they were telling each other a silent story. Brinley didn’t want to turn the page because she was afraid the story would end.