
“You really did it already?” Brinley asked as they sat on her couch a few days later, eating the Chinese Brinley had ordered to thank Annalise for helping her study. “You really are an overachiever.”

“What’s next on the syllabus?” Annalise asked as though she didn’t look over it every day. She knew for a fact the next lesson was about surfaces. She just thought it would be hot to listen to Brinley explain it.

Brinley looked toward the ceiling as if she was trying to remember then smiled once it hit her. “Surfaces.” The smile stayed on her face as she turned to look at Annalise. “You don’t know how excited I am to have sex with you on every surface of this apartment.”

Annalise moved her eyes over all the surfaces in Brinley’s apartment. A few months ago, the thought of it would have made her anxious. Now, it just made her extremely turned on. “Where do you want to start?” Annalise asked, her body begging her to get this lesson started immediately.

“That’s not for me to decide, is it?”

Of course. How could she forget? The pre-test for this lesson was for Annalise to choose a surface and fuck Brinley on it. Okay, so maybe she was a little nervous. As usual, she had never done anything like this before.

As if reading her mind, Brinley chose that exact moment to ask, “Where’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?”

“I, um…” How the hell do I answer this without looking completely pathetic? “I gave a guy a blow job in the bathroom of his parents’ house while Nathalie stood on the other side of the door cheering me on.” Yep, I totally failed.

Somehow, Brinley was able to respond to this with a simple nod as if she was considering it, not a hint of judgment on her face. “And where would you like to take me?”

Annalise looked all around, but her gaze landed on the coffee table right in front of them. She set her dinner on the arm of the couch and gave Brinley a look that she hoped conveyed that she wanted her to do the same thing. Once she did, Annalise stood and pulled Brinley up with her, then did a 180 and pushed Brinley down onto the coffee table.

“I was thinking right here,” she said as she crawled on top of her and put her hand down the front of Brinley’s boxer shorts. She could have slowed down, but that didn’t feel right at this moment, so she moved against her while her fingers worked.

It wasn’t long before Brinley was panting underneath her, and soon after that, she came. When Annalise stood back up from the coffee table, legs almost too wobbly to stay upright, she smiled proudly. That had to be the quickest she had ever made Brinley, or any girl for that matter, come. “So, what did you think?”

Brinley stayed on the coffee table and stared up at the ceiling, the look on her face one of absolute satisfaction. “First of all, great job not overthinking the surface. A lot of people would have searched for the perfect one, but that’s not what it’s about. People have sex on random surfaces because they are too turned on to make it anywhere else. It’s all about spontaneity and convenience and you killed that. At first, I was going to dock points for the lack of nakedness, but that was actually really hot, too. So, all in all, I don’t have much to say, except you totally aced it, and once I recover, I’m going to reward you, by eating you out while you sit on the dryer.”

“Don’t you have clothes in there right now?”

Brinley wiggled her eyebrows. “Exactly. If those vibrations mixed with my tongue don’t send you to another dimension, then I’ve completely failed you.”

Brinley was anything but a failure so when she took Annalise on top of the dryer a few minutes later, it was a total out-of-this-world experience.

“So, what are you doing on Sunday?” Brinley asked as she leaned against the dryer, chest moving up and down due to how much she had just exerted herself.

“I don’t think I have anything. Why? Do you want more help studying?”

“I’m never going to turn down a tutoring session, but I was thinking we could take advantage of the bar being closed.”

The bar being closed? Oh shit. The quiz. Annalise had almost forgotten about her quiz for this lesson being bar sex, because she honestly thought it was a joke. “Isn’t the bar closed because of it being Jesus’ day? Feels a bit wrong to do what you’re thinking when that’s the case.”

“I didn’t know you were so religious.”

Annalise laughed. “I’m definitely not. I just know enough to feel guilty about it.”

Brinley stood and rested her hands on Annalise’s hips. “What if we consider it Gin and Jesus without the gin? I promise by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be screaming out the Lord’s name.”

Okay, how the hell was Annalise supposed to say no to that? Simple. She couldn’t. “Fine. You win. I’m in.”


“Okay, you were right,” Annalise said from where she sat naked on the bar. “That was ridiculously sexy. Total religious experience. I’m pretty sure I saw Jesus.” Maybe not, but she definitely saw stars.

“Oh, yeah?” Brinley stood in front of her completely naked and grabbed bottles of alcohol , quickly whipping up two drinks for them.

Annalise nodded, her mouth now completely dry. She gestured toward Brinley. “I think you really might be onto something here. Naked bartending might be my new favorite thing.”

Brinley handed Annalise a glass then took a big sip out of her own. “Should we start a weekly tradition?”