Brinley pointed a finger into her own chest. “Wasting my time?”

“Yeah, between work, studying, and teaching me, have you even had time to hook up with other people?”

“No, but that’s not…” Brinley was going to say it wasn’t because of Annalise, but that felt like a lie. Not because she was falling in love with her or anything. She just liked their arrangement. It was fun and easy. She could focus completely on bartending while she was working, instead of shamelessly flirting with every female who walked through the door. “It’s not a big deal. I’ve found ways to get myself by when you have me really turned on.”

Annalise’s eyebrows went so high they practically touched her hairline. “You mean you…” Instead of finishing her sentence, Annalise cleared her throat as if the words were caught in it. “After I leave?” When Brinley nodded, Annalise’s face turned that deep shade of red she had grown to love. “Do you… ever…?” Annalise cleared her throat again. “…think of me?”

“Every. Single. Time.” Brinley let the words slowly roll off her tongue because she loved the effect it was having on Annalise.

“I wanna see.”

“Wanna see what?” Brinley was pretty sure she knew exactly what Annalise was asking for, but she wanted to hear her say it.

“I want to watch… what you normally do when I leave. I want you to do it in front of me.”

“You want me to masturbate in front of you?”

“Yeah,” Annalise answered immediately. Her voice was much more quiet and reserved when she added, “Only if you want to.”

“Have I ever said no to you? Of course I want to.” This is hot as hell. Brinley’s heart was pounding just thinking about it. Of course, that wasn’t the only part of her that was reacting. “But I’ll only do it on one condition.”

Annalise furrowed her eyebrows. “What’s that?”

“You have to tell me exactly what you want.”

“I thought I already did.”

“You beat around the bush, pun totally intended, and made me say it. I want to hear you say it.”

“Fine.” Annalise squeezed her eyes shut and blew out a long, shaky breath. “I want to watch you masturbate.”

That was somehow even sexier than Brinley expected. She couldn’t wait to rip off her clothes and get started. Except, Annalise had yet to see her naked. Maybe she wouldn’t want the full experience. “So, normally I’m so turned on by the time you leave, I strip off all my clothes before I start. If that makes you uncomfortable, I don’t—”

“I want you to do it exactly as you would if I wasn’t here.”

“In that case….” Brinley hopped out of bed and pulled off the T-shirt and shorts she was wearing.

Since she had taken her bra off as soon as she walked in the door from work, all she had left to do was shimmy out of her underwear.

“Shit,” Annalise whispered from where she was still lying on the bed. “I knew your body was perfect, but really? Do you have any flaws?”

“The big toe on my right foot looks like a chode .” She was somewhat joking, but it was honestly disgusting and used to be something she was very self-conscious about.

“Well, chode toe and all, you’re perfect to me.”

Did my heart just grow in response to one kind sentence from this woman who was a stranger less than three months ago? No. Absolutely not. The way Brinley’s heart beat in her chest told a different story though. She shook her head. “Save the sweetness for another time. I need you to talk dirty to me.”

Annalise patted the spot next to her on the bed. “Get over here. I need to see what you look like when you come.”

Welp. Wasn’t expecting that. Brinley stood frozen in place for a moment before she finally got her shit together. She quickly moved to the bed where she sat down beside Annalise.

For some strange reason, she was suddenly nervous. Her heart was beating out of her chest, she had to think about taking breaths, and her hands were getting clammy. It was so unlike her and she needed to snap out of it.

Luckily, the way Annalise was staring at her with wide, hungry eyes made her forget about everything else, except how horny she was.

She shut her eyes and brought both hands to her breasts, gently squeezing and playing with them. “I always start with my boobs since you love boob play so much.” Brinley smirked. Even with her eyes closed, she knew Annalise was blushing right now. “I picture the way you looked while I touched you. I imagine you touching me too.”

The feeling of a hand on her bare stomach caused Brinley’s eyes to shoot open. It took a minute for her vision to come into focus since her head was spinning from that touch that seemed to radiate from her stomach throughout her whole body. When she was finally able to focus on Annalise, her face was red just as she predicted, but the hunger in her eyes was like nothing Brinley had ever seen before. It was like Annalise was the hunter and she was the prey.