Annalise licked her lips as she continued to stare at Brinley, her hand still against Brinley’s skin. The weight of that touch, the first touch of skin that was normally covered by clothing, was like a boulder. “Don’t close your eyes. I want you to watch me while you do it.”

Shit. This was definitely going to take even less time than usual. Brinley’s whole body was already humming in anticipation, begging her to give it what it needs.

She kept her eyes locked with Annalise’s as she twirled her nipples between her fingers. She moved one hand down her stomach and squeezed Annalise’s hand as she passed it. She tried to speak, but no words were coming. Instead, she communicated everything with her eyes, telling Annalise just how much she craved and needed her.

As one thumb massaged her clit while the other massaged her nipple, the hand moved away from her stomach. Brinley was disappointed until she realized where that hand had gone.

Annalise was lying beside her, eyes still glued to Brinley’s as she mimicked everything Brinley was doing, but on herself. Fuck. This was so much better than using her imagination. Brinley continued to play with her nipple as she pushed a finger inside of herself. She watched as Annalise did the exact same thing. No words were spoken. Their communication came in the form of touches, eye contact, and moans. It was, quite frankly, the hottest experience of Brinley’s entire life. She moved her finger in and out, before adding a second, then a third.

Annalise’s eyes squeezed shut when she added the third finger and she bit her bottom lip so hard, Brinley thought it was going to bleed.

It was almost impossible to speak, but she found a way to force the words out. “Look at me, baby. Watch me while you come. I want you to see me come.” Even though it was taking everything in her to keep her own eyes open, she did it. “I’m so close, baby. Are you?”

Annalise opened her eyes, her pupils burning into Brinley’s. “So… close….” she said between gasping breaths.

Their eyes never left each other as their hands continued to work on their bodies until they were both puddles of sweat and moans. Brinley’s orgasm hit at the exact same time she watched Annalise’s hips shoot up from the bed. Annalise screamed while Brinley bit her lip to keep her noises under control. She only wanted to hear Annalise. She loved knowing that she was the reason for the sounds she was making, even without touching her.

Brinley laid her head back on her pillow, took a deep breath, and finally allowed her eyes to close.

For a moment, the room was silent, but then a whisper floated between them that Brinley could just barely make out. “I wanna touch you like that.”

Brinley’s eyes shot open. Had she really heard that correctly?

If the way Annalise was looking at her was any indication, then she definitely had. Her body was screaming at her to agree. She had been dreaming about Annalise’s hands on her for weeks and weeks now. There was nothing in this world she wanted more. Except, they had a plan. She didn’t want Annalise to get caught up in the moment, move too quickly, and do something she would later regret.

Brinley closed her eyes as she spoke because she knew if she looked at Annalise she would change her mind. “We can’t move on to lesson seven until you pass the lesson six test. You need to get an orgasm from someone else.”

Silence spread between them that seemed to last for hours before Annalise finally answered. “You’re right.”

Shit. Really? I don’t want to be.

Brinley opened her eyes and rolled onto her side so she was facing Annalise. “You better get on that, because I’m sick of my own hands. I need yours.”

Chapter 7


“So, you’re really doing it? You’re meeting up with someone from the app in two days ?” Nathalie looked from Annalise to her grandma then scrunched up her face as if she was crying. “Our little girl is growing up.”

As usual, Annalise regretted sharing anything with her grandma and Nathalie, but after a few glasses of wine, all of her reservations fell away. She had gone on the app as soon as she left Brinley’s apartment after they masturbated in front of each other and began messaging back the women who had already reached out to her. At that point, all she could think about was getting the chance to touch Brinley. Watching her climax was amazing, and Annalise wanted to be the one to cause it.

Unfortunately, the more days that passed since seeing Brinley, the more hesitant she was about it. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to touch Brinley, but without the heat of the moment moving her along, the questions returned. Being pleasured by a woman was one thing. It was a basic human need. But touching another woman? Could a straight woman really do that? The truth was, she had no idea. She had always been so sure she was straight. Her sexuality had never even crossed her mind. She liked the guys she was with, even loved some of them. But what she felt with Brinley? It was completely different and so much the same all at once. She couldn’t explain it. All she knew was she craved Brinley more than she had ever craved anyone before.

She thought about asking Nathalie and her grandma what all of this meant, but even with her buzz, she knew that was a bad idea. Those two would never let it drop.

The sound of a throat clearing brought Annalise out of her own thoughts and she found both Nathalie and her grandma staring at her, waiting for more. What was the question? Oh yeah. The app. “I am.”

Nathalie waved her hand in a go on motion. “So, who is she? What’s her name? Can we see her picture?”

This was exactly why she didn’t share everything with them. She already felt dizzy from all of Nathalie’s questions. “Her name is Clarissa, and she lives in Philly.” She opened the app and held her phone up to show Nathalie the woman a few years her senior with short, spiky, dirty-blonde hair.

Nathalie studied the picture much longer than Annalise found necessary, as if she was somehow searching for answers within the photo. “She’s very handsome. Is that your type?”

No. My type is a brunette bartender with tattoo sleeves and dark eyes … Shit… What the hell? A heat spread through Annalise’s body at the thought. “I don’t think I have a type,” she lied.

Nathalie pointed to the phone. “She’s hot. She also looks like she knows how to please a woman. I’m sure you’ll have a good time.”

From their conversation, Annalise didn’t doubt that. Clarissa was cool and confident and the slightest bit dirty without taking it too far. If she was being honest, their conversation had actually turned her on quite a bit. It was strange but enlightening. Even though she would never admit it out loud, her grandma had been right. There was a spark in her life that wasn’t present a few months ago. She wasn’t just living; she was thriving. Okay, shut up. Now you sound like a Hallmark card.