Page 8 of Winning Play

“IknowI’mlucky.He’sthe one who ‘gets me.’Jake’sgreat, too, butI’vealways felt a special connection withDave.”Kimgrinned. “Nosecret that he’s my hero.”

Laurenbrushed a few stray popcorn remnants fromKim’shair. “Didyou get into a popcorn fight?”

Shegiggled, shaking her head. “Itripped running up the stairs and lost control of the popcorn.”

“Didyou fall?”CarynChadwickasked as she took the seat besideLauren.

“No, this freaking hot guy saved me from certain disaster.”Kimmimicked a faceplant with her palm.

“Didyou get his name?”LaurenandCarynasked in unison.

“Spence—he’s a student atFCU.”Sheshrugged and saw the expectant looks on their faces. “Sogorgeous!Heasked my name… but not for my phone number.”

“AnyoneinVancouverwho’d be jealous?”Carynasked.

“Noone who’s ‘entitled’ to get jealous.”Kimmade a face. “Notime for guys, anyway.”

“Youneed to schedule time for fun.There’sso much to do inTampabesides hockey games and the beach,”Laurensaid. “Goodclubs and cafes, parks, museums...Youcan’t spend twenty-four-seven studying.”

Kimdirected her attention to the ice. “WatchingtheSunsis my idea of a perfect evening out.”

Commentsto the contrary,Kimscanned the crowd several times to see if she could spotSpence.Interestedin him?Justcurious.Besides, can’t assume he’d want to see me.ButI’dlove a chance to check him out again.DidIimagine how gorgeous he looks?Checksall my boxes.

Afterher experience withFinn,Kimvowed to avoid guys.Shedidn’t trust her instincts.Her“character sensor” had malfunctioned withFinn.Kimpledged to concentrate only on obtaining her master's degree and spending free time withDave,Lauren, and their friends.Friends.Onlyfriends.Butseeing a familiar face on campus could help with new student nerves—especially someone who “rescued” me from embarrassment and possible injury… yeah, that works…A“friend” likeSpencewouldn’t look twice at me.

Afterthe game,KimaccompaniedLaurenandCarynto theCenterIceLounge, the team’s preferred gathering place, just a few blocks from the arena.Theinformal bar always reserved space for the team in an area at the far side of the room.Regularpatrons respected their privacy, but sometimes out-of-town fans or a group of overdressed beautiful women—a herd of punk bunnies, as the players tagged them—approached the area.Afew players obliged requests for autographs, and sometimes, young single players mingled with the women.

Laurenchose seats at a table with a good view of the room. “Theguys should start drifting in soon.Thosewho have media availability arrive later.”

“Iassume all the women with four-inch heels and over-dressed for a party are waiting for the team?”Kimasked.

Carynsmiled. “Goodguess.WhenDrewandIstarted dating, they drove me crazy—especially when he lived inSt.Louis, andIwas still inToronto.Ittook little to get me questioning our relationship.”

“Untilshe learned to ignore social media,”Laurensaid, “and any so-called compromising pictures forwarded by ‘friends.’”

“Weall figure it out eventually,”Carynadded. “EvenLaurenwhen she claimed she andDavewere ‘just friends.’”

Kimwrinkled her nose. “Davehad girls falling all over him even back in juniors.Afterhe entered theNHL,Irecognized some women whenever his team played inVancouver.Heignored them—at least whenIwas around.”Sheglanced atLauren. “Afterhe met you,Inever heard about him going out with anyone else.”

Laurenchuckled. “I’mlucky he tolerated my inherently suspicious mind.”

“Tolerated?He’scrazy in love with you,Lauren,”Carynsaid.

Kimgiggled whenLauren’sface reddened. “Savedby the team.”Shenodded toward the first group of teammates approaching the table, surrounded by fans and young women vying for attention.

Dave,Andrew, and several other players reached them after politely excusing themselves from the growing group of admirers.

“Tookyou long enough,”Laurenpretended to grouse whenDaveleaned to kiss her.

Daverested his hand onKim’sshoulder and spoke toLaurenandCaryn. “Didmy sister give you a tough time?”Hesuppressed a smile whenKimturned to glare at him.

“Iwas going to congratulate you on the win and your two goals, but forget it.”


“Ididn’t fall asleep.”

Herbrother chuckled. “That’sgood.Youall haven’t ordered yet?I’llget drinks.”