Page 7 of Winning Play

Kimallowed the handsome stranger to guide her away from the crowds of fans making their way to their seats.

“CanIget you a refill?” he asked and laughed when she shook her head. “Lastthing you want?”

“Uh… yep.”Kimlooked at her sticky hands and started to wipe them on her jeans. “Ineed to clean up before my sister-in-law sends a search party.”Sheoffered her hand to shake his, then dropped it with a shy smile. “Ican’t thank you enough…Doyou go to the university?”

Hebrushed off the thanks. “Ido.You?”

“Newstudent this semester.”Kimjumped a little when the pre-game lights and music began. “GuessIshould get back.”

“Seeyou on campus.Bythe way,I’mSpence.”

“Kim.Thanksagain.”Sheglanced at him again, and his eyes captivated her.Afteran awkward moment or two, she turned and stepped away.


Shelooked over her shoulder when she heard his voice.Hepointed in the opposite direction she had moved.Shehadn’t noticed the sign showing the women’s bathroom.Shelaughed as she shook her head. “LikeIsaid, total klutz.”


Spencewatched asKimslipped into the restroom.Whydidn’t you ask for her number,Spencer?You’renot shy around women… though first time one’s fallen right into your arms.Newstudent… maybe wait until she leaves the restroom?Nah, that could come across as a bit stalker-ish.Kim… remember the name and look her up on campus.

Noway he’d forget her.Thelarge chocolate-brown eyes had pulled him in, at first wide with panic, then relief when she realized she hadn’t hit the concrete.Herlush chestnut hair, peppered with popcorn, tempted him to run his hands through it.Shehad the natural girl-next-door beauty that appealed to him.Hertall, athletic—yet totally sexy—figure hinted that she played team sports.Ifso, he’d see her on campus for sure.

Hebought beers for his friends and joined them at their seats halfway down the lower bowl on the corner.

“Thoughtwe’d lost you,”Toddsaid as he accepted a beer. “Popcornfight?”Hepointed to a few remaining kernels resting onSpence’sshoulders.

“Nah.”Hebrushed his arm and drank some beer before answering. “Kepta girl from tripping—the popcorn?Collateraldamage.”

“So, this girl—you talking a high school type or someone older?Legal?”

Spenceshook his head. “Ididn’t ask.Saidshe’s starting atFCUthis semester, butIdon’t think she’s a freshman.”

Anotherfriend,Eric, cut in. “IthinkIsaw her.Thisgirl—woman—was standing near the boards.Shebanged on the glass when one of theSunsstopped near her—impressive ice spray.Thenshe jogged up the stairs.She’sa fox,Spence.Gether number?”

Heshook his head, holding back a smile. “Nope.”

“Didyou ask her name?”Toddasked.

“Imay have.”Spenceturned his attention to the ice.

“Notsharing?”Toddnudged his friend.

Spenceanswered without taking his eyes off the ice. “Yousaid one player sprayed ice and stopped in front of her.Herboyfriend, maybe?”

“So, you won’t look her up?”Ericasked.

“Didn’tsay that.Willhave to see.”

Thearena darkened, and they rose for theAnthem.Spencedidn’t object to the opportunity to change the subject.Heplanned to keepKim’sname to himself.Atleast untilIfind out if she’s dating a pro hockey player.Collegebaseball—even on a top-ten-ranked team—no comparison.

Kimslipped into the suite, hoping no one noticed she smelled like a popcorn concession.DisappointedthatSpencehad not asked for her number—hadn’t even hung out in the area until she exited the restroom—Kimsmothered the image of the sexiest man she’d ever met.She’dfelt the solid muscles when she gripped his biceps and suspected the rest of him was equally toned.Athlete?Addthose wicked blue eyes and goosebump-producing smile…could look at him for days.Bethe’s got a girlfriend—or his choice of any woman he cares to meet.Don’tforget why you came toTampa,Martin.Youjust ended one disastrous relationship with a charismatic male.Notime for guys, especially good-looking charmers.

Laurenflashed a grin whenKimsettled into the seat beside her. “So, is that a pregame routine between you and my hubby?”

“Bangingon the glass?”Kimsnickered. “Iused to do that all the time whenIwas an annoying pre-teen… then teen.Iwanted to irritate him, butDavestarted spraying ice on me, so it became a ‘thing’ for us.Heremembered beforeIeven slapped the glass.”

“Youknow he adores you.Youmade his day—heck, his month and year—when you decided to attend grad school inTampa.IwishedIhad an older brother growing up and still do now.”LaurensqueezedKim’sarm.