Page 66 of Winning Play

“We’llget whatever you need—make a list, okay?”

“Iguess.”Shehated acting like a baby but couldn’t gain control of her emotions. “I’msorry,Dave.”

“Kim—you don’t need to apologize.Doyou want to get dressed so we can leave whenTomgives the okay?”

Shrugging,Kimforced a smile. “Whereare my clothes?”

Davereached for a bag at the end of the bed. “Laurenbrought some clothes you had at our house.Youneed help?”

“Ican do it.”KimhuggedDave. “Justgive me a few minutes.”Shenoticed the exhaustion in his eyes.Stopwhining.Davelooks terrible—did he sleep at all?“Thanksfor staying with me.”

Herbrother kissed her forehead. “Whereelse wouldIbe?You’remy favorite sister.”

Kimgiggled as he stood. “Youronly sister.”

“Stillmy favorite,HalfPint.Hollerif you need help.”


Spencehand-deliveredTom’sletter to theDeanofStudents.Asexpected,Kim’sprofessors had checked in with the dean before he arrived, andSpenceleft with assurances thatKim’sclass deadlines would remain flexible while she recovered.Heconsidered skipping class and returning to the hospital, butDavediscouraged him.Hefelt confident thatDr.Chadwickwould signKim’srelease as soon as he checked on her.

SpencesentDavea text on his way to his first class.

“Stillat the hospital?”

Insteadof a return text,DavecalledSpence. “Goodnews—Tom’ssending her home with a few restrictions.She’llstay with us until the dizziness and headaches ‘resolve.’”

Spencedescribed his meeting with theDean. “Kimhas all the time she needs to complete her assignments.”

“Excellent.She’sgetting dressed now, butI’msure she’ll want to hear that directly from you.”Davechuckled. “Sheasked about stopping by the dorm to pick up her laptop and books.”

“Ican bring those to her.Evenif she can’t tolerate reading and has no deadlines,I’msure she’ll want them.”Spencepaused. “Ican drop them by the hospital or meet you.”

“Don’tskip classes, man.Tomexpects her to sleep when we get home.Stickto your schedule.Wecan figure this out later.Willyou have trouble getting into her room?”

“Ihave her card.Stuckit in my pocket before the tournament.Lether know she didn’t lose it.”Frustratedhe hadn’t spoken withKim,Spencecut across campus for his next class.Studentsstopped to ask aboutKimand send good wishes.Can’twait to tell her.Shemade so many new friends these last few weeks.

AsSpencesat in his next class, he found focusing difficult.Hismind wandered every few minutes—DidIdisappoint her by not returning to the hospital?Isshe atDaveandLauren’snow?Hetried to concentrate on the lecture, but his mind drifted back toKim.

Helooked around the classroom at the other students, taking notes and listening attentively to the professor.Heenvied their ability to remain attentive and wished he could do the same.Hecouldn't shake the feeling that he should have skipped class and stayed with her.

Whenthe class ended,Spencepacked his bag and exited the lecture hall.Hepulled out his phone and pressedDave'snumber, moving to the grass beyond the sidewalk to avoid the crush of students.

"Spence, how's it going?"

"Areyou at the hospital?"

“Wejust got to the house.She’swiped out,”Davesaid. “I’lllet her know you called.”

“Thanks,Dave,”Spencesaid. “Isthere anythingIcan do to help out?”

“Notright now,”Davereplied. “Ifyou could come over later,Iknow she wants to see you.”

“I’llcall whenI’mon my way.”Spencepaused. “I’llbring her assignments, books, and laptop.”

“Notsure when she’ll feel up to studying, but she’ll relax knowing she has everything.Thanks, man.”

Spencehung up the phone and took a deep breath, reassured after speaking withDave.Ashe walked to his next class,Spencetried to clear his mind.Herubbed his eyes and took a deep breath, hoping to calm his racing thoughts.