Page 67 of Winning Play

Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts. “Spence, you okay?”

Heturned to seeTodd.


“Kimstill in the hospital?”Toddasked.

Spencehesitated for a moment. “Shejust got to her brother’s house.”

“AnythingIcan do to help?”

Spenceshook his head. “No,Idon’t think so.Ineed to get through one more class and then see her.”

Toddnodded. “Don’tforget to get your stuff together for tomorrow’s game.Remember,Coachsaid they’re loading the bus tonight.”

Damn.Iforgot about that.Shouldn’thave skipped practice this morning—even thoughCoachtold me to take the day off.

“Thanksfor the reminder, man.”

Afterfinishing his classes and packing for the team’s away game,Spencedrove toDaveandLauren’shouse.Davegreeted him with a smile, took the backpack, and set it on the counter. “Ithink she’s awake.”Heled the way toKim’sbedroom.Hetapped on the doorframe. “Youall right with a visitor,Kim?”

Kimlay propped up on the bed with a light throw draped over her.Shesmiled when she sawSpenceapproaching. “Definitelyokay.”

Spencesat down beside her and reached for her hand. “Feelingbetter?”

“Nowthat you’re here,”Kimreplied, squeezing his hand. “Didyou bring my books and...”

“Goteverything,Popcorn.Books, laptop, notebook, markers…Whenyou feel up to it, you should have everything you need.Thedean said not to rush—you have as much time as you need.”Hebrushed his fingers against her cheek. “How’sthe headache?”

“Stillthere, but better,”Kimsaid. “I’mgladI’mout of the hospital, but the brain fog makes me feel likeI’minside an aquarium.”

Spencenodded. “Itwill get better, babe.Don’trush it.”

“Iknow,”Kimsaid. “Iwant to get back to normal—I’mgoing to miss your game tomorrow.”Sheexaggerated a pout.

“We’replaying inJacksonville—we leave at dawn and return late.Theuniversity website streams the game.”

Kimallowed a small smile. “Ican listen then, even if my eyes don’t focus.”

Spencekissed her forehead. “Don’tstrain your brain, babe.Ican give you a recap later.”HewatchedKim’sexpression fall in disappointment.

“Iwanted to score all the games this season.Idon’t know ifIcan do it tomorrow.”Hereyes glistened, andSpencerested his palm against her cheek.

“Don’tworry about that,Kim.You’restill our good luck charm.”Spencedidn’t realizeDavehad entered the room until he spoke.

“Ihaven’t kept score in years, but if you help me,Kim, we can do it.”

Kim’seyes looked forDaveacross the room. “Don’tyou need to be at the arena?”

“Notthat early.I’lllisten to the game instead of the pre-game nap.”

Kimlooked doubtful. “Youcan’t go without your nap.”

Davegrinned. “Watchme, sis.”

“Yourscorebook’s in your bag,”Spenceadded. “Butdon’t worry about it if you’re not feeling well.”

“I’mnot missing your game.”