Page 30 of Winning Play

Kimlaughed. “Sure, unlessIneed some… popcorn.”Shecut her eyes toward him and saw his lips quirk. “Theveggie wraps, burgers—vegan or beef—andTex-Mexitems are delicious.”

Shegrasped his arm and handed a plate to him. “Don’tmake me eat alone,ChathamSpencer.”

Theyfilled their plates and set them on a high-top table nearby. “Whatdo you want to drink?”Spenceasked.

“I’mhooked on their iced tea mixed with lemonade.”

“Comingright up.”AsSpencewalked to the bar,Kimpicked up silverware and napkins and set them beside their plates.Someonetapped her shoulder, andKimspun around and grinned when she sawCassieChadwick, who greeted her with a warm hug.

“Cassie!It’sgreat to see you!”

“I’msorryIhaven’t contacted you for lunch… the time…”

“Don’tapologize,”Kiminterrupted. “I’vewanted to call you, too.Lifegets hectic.”

“Well,Isaw you come in with that gorgeous man!”Cassieleaned toward her as she spoke in a whisper. “Boyfriend?”

Kimchuckled. “Justfriends.”

Cassieshifted her eyes to glance atSpence. “Dreamy,Kim.He’smore than just friend material.”

“Areyou here withDr.Tom?”

“Oh,Tomworks the games.He’sthe team’s concussion consultant.Hechecks out any player who takes a critical hit to the head,” she explained. “TheSunswanted more than just the concussion spotter assigned by the league.Tomassists the trainers on both teams and makes the call if someone needs further medical attention.”Cassie’seyes turned towardSpencewhen he set the two drinks on the table.

Kimtouched his arm. “Cassie, this is my friendSpence.Cassie’salso fromVancouverand told me that her husband serves as theSuns’ concussion… specialist?”Shelooked towardCassie, hoping she’d correctly described the position.

Spenceheld his hand out towardCassie. “Niceto meet you,Cassie.Iknow about that program.TheSunsset a high standard for other sports teams.”

Cassieshrugged. “It’spersonal forTom.Youmay know his brotherAndrewsuffered a horrific brain injury during a game four or five years ago.”

BothKimandSpencenodded. “Iremember when it happened.Daveplayed forSt.Louis, then.Terrifying.”Kimshut her eyes against the memories.

“But, such an inspirational recovery,”Spencesaid, squeezingKim’sarm. “EventhoughIwas still in high school,Iheard a lot of coverage on all the sports networks.Didyour husband plan to be a neurologist before the accident?”

Cassieshrugged with a smile. “Notsure, but he took a break from school to helpAndrewandCaryn.ThenAndrew’slead physician became his mentor and offeredToma residency in neurology at the hospital.”Hersmile widened, andKimwatched her eyes dance. “Luckily, he accepted it, andImet him whenIworked as a nanny forAndrewandCaryn’stwins.”

“NowCassieruns theChildLearningCenterat the hospital,”Kimadded.

“Impressive,”Spencereplied with a smile and nodded toward them. “Didyou two know each other before you moved toTampa?”

“Talkabout a small world!No, butCassieisLauren’sniece, andI’mhappy we finally met.LaurenandDavetalk about you often,Cassie.”

“Doesn’tthat make us honorary family?”Cassielaughed. “Dave’slike a brother.Hehelped me passAlgebrawhenIapplied to the university.”

“He’shad lots of experience.Hemade sureJakekept his grades up during high school—you know, eligibility for sports.”Kimaimed a teasing grin atSpence, then looked atCassie. “Eatwith us?”

“Thanks, butI’mabout to pop down and seeTombefore the game.Raincheck?”

“Absolutely, yes,”Kimsaid. “We’resitting in my brother’s seats up behind the bench.Ifwe don’t see you, let’s plan to meet soon.”

“I’llcheck my schedule and call you.”


Daveskated to the bench near the end of warmups and beckonedKimtoward him.Shegrinned as she pantomimed banging on the glass. “Yourseats are incredible—thanks for letting us use them.”

“Anytime,Kimmy.UnlessMomandDadcome to town, they’re your tickets.Didyou get up to the suite?”