Page 31 of Winning Play

“Yeah, butIdidn’t seeLauren.CassieandIcaught up, though.Andstuffed my face, of course.”Shesaw her brother hold back a chuckle.

“Where’sSpence?Hecame with you, didn’t he?”

“Ofcourse he did,Dave.Quitscowling,” she teased him. “Hewent to theSuns’ store to find something ‘game appropriate.’”

“Isee.”Dave’sgaze drifted pastKim’sshoulder, and he nodded. “Ourclubhouse hat.Goodchoice.”

Kimturned and sawSpencecoming down the stairs, a new hat on his head and a jumbo popcorn container in his hands.Jeez, the hat makes those blue eyes shimmer.And, of course, he got my favorite snack.Shegrinned when he joined them, presenting her with the cardboard bucket.

“Justin case you get a craving.”Helooked atDave. “Thanksfor the tickets.Lookingforward to the game.”

Thethree chatted for a few minutes, and thenDaveskated off the ice with the rest of the team.

“Sweetview,”Spencesaid whenKimled him to the seats.Heheld the bucket as she settled into her seat, then placed it between them. “Sorry, couldn’t resist,Popcorn.”

“Forwhat?Bringingmy favorite snack?EventhoughIshouldn’t even get hungry after everythingIate.”

“Everythingyou nibbled, you mean.”Spencenodded toward the popcorn container. “Ipredict hunger pangs by the first intermission.”

WhenKimdipped her hand into the popcorn, her smile bordered on a smirk. “Oh,Ican eat popcorn anytime,Spence.”

Later, when the four met at theCenterIceLounge,DaveaskedSpenceto help when he headed to the bar for drinks.

“Enjoythe game?” he asked as they waited to give the order.

“Always,”Spencesaid. “Bigwin, and sitting that close to the ice really pulls you into the game.Thanksagain for the tickets.”

Hewatched asDavebegan to speak, stopped, and then met his eyes. “Youknow anything aboutKim’sex?”

“Besidesthe fact that she wants nothing to do with him?”Spenceoffered.

“Shetell you anything about what happened?”

Spenceshook his head. “No, andIhaven’t asked.Why?”

Daveshrugged. “Protectiveolder brother instinct.Idon’t know him, butIwant him out of her life.”

Henodded. “Ihear you.Atleast he’s… what… three thousand miles across the continent?”

“Notfar enough.”Davemet his eyes, and his expression tensed. “Dome a favor?”

“Sure, ifIcan.”

“Keepan eye onKim?Iknow you’re friends.”Davepaused a moment. “LaurenandIwill be out of the country during theAll-StarWeekbreak.I’llfeel better knowing someoneItrust is looking out for her.Idon’t want him harassing her.”

“Noworries.Ofcourse,I’lllook out for her.Hefinds a way to contactKim,I’lldo everythingIcan to make his life hell.”Spencelaughed without humor. “Sowill the guys on the baseball team.”

Daveshrugged. “Kimwould insistI’moverreacting, butIwant to ensure someone has her back whileI’mgone.”

“Nota problem.Counton that.”

“Thanks.”Davenodded toward the tray of appetizers on the bar before them. “Canyou take that?I’llget the drinks.”

Contentto watch asDaveintroducedSpenceto many of theSuns,Kimsipped the one margarita she allowed herself.She’drepeated the “we’re just friends” refrain several times whenCaryn,Shannon, and otherSuns’ wives whispered that her “boyfriend” wasgorgeous… smoking hot… sexy… easy on the eyes.Ofcourse, she silently agreed with all of them and, for more than a few moments, wished she andSpencehad not defined their relationship as platonic.Spencehad no trouble bonding with the guys.Severalplayers looked about the same age, andKimnoted the easy conversation, laughter, and relaxed body language.

Differentfrom when she had male guests at games inVancouver…Guysacting like jerks or big shots had embarrassedKimtoo many times.Somebragged about their junior hockey stats.Theworst time, a guy she brought to a game asked for and expected a clubhouse tour and a signed jersey, stick, and other paraphernalia.DaveandJaketreated everyone politely and waved off the apologies she offered.Shenever told her brothers that the guys inevitably disappeared not long after the games.Shesuspected they saw through the shallow façades, but never discouragedKimwhen she requested tickets to a game.Bythe time she enrolled at the university,Kimhad grown cynical and didn’t volunteer her brothers’ identities.

Spencecaught her looking in his direction and stepped toward her, flashing the crooked grin that caused butterflies to gather. “Popcorn, you good?”