Page 3 of Winning Play

Kimsighed as she shook her head. “Wesaid everything needed when we broke up.”

“Amutual decision?”

“Mom, we didn’t have a serious, committed relationship.Westayed together out of convenience, at least on my part.I’mlooking forward to a fresh start.”Shemet her mother’s eyes. “Pleasedon’t give him my new address.”

“Well,I’llmiss that boy,”Carolinesaid.

Kim’slaugh was soft as she tucked a light jacket into her carry-on bag and then looked at her mother. “I’msure he’ll come toSundaydinner anytime you want.But,Mom, please don’t give him my contact information whenIchange my cell plan to aUScarrier.”

“Ofcourse,Iwon’t if that’s what you want.”

“Thankyou.Weneed—Ineed—a clean break.Nota long-distance relationship.”Kimzipped her carry-on bag. “Ithink that’s everything.Giveme five minutes,Mom, andI’llbe ready.”

“I’lllet your father know.”Carolineenveloped her daughter in a warm hug. “I’llmiss you, butIam so proud of you,Kimberly.You’llleave your mark on the world.”

Hopefully, a positive mark—not like the screwups in my personal life.

Kimwatched her mother leave the bedroom, then looked around with a sigh.Herprivate space for the past twenty-two years.Myhaven.WillTampabecome my next safe place?Notjust whenI’mwithDaveandLauren, but also on campus and maybe the entire city.

Isure hope so.


Kim’seyes filled with tears when she spottedDavewaiting for her as she exited theTSA-secured area.Shedropped her bag when his arms tightened around her in the bear hug that she’d missed more than she’d realized.

“WelcometoTampa,Kimmy.”Onlyher brother used that nickname, and she felt sharp pangs of regret for not accepting the invitation to visit over fall break.Thelast timeFinnguilts me into missing somethingIwant to do.

Kimswiped her eyes and beamed at her brother. “I’vemissed you!”

“Youlook good, sis.Noproblems with customs?”

Sheshook her head. “Aweird look whenIexplained my lack of luggage.”Davechuckled as he grabbed her carry-on bag.Kimgrasped his waist and pressed against his side. “Thanksfor meeting me—and for the first-class ticket.I’mofficially spoiled.”

“Asopposed to just spoiled?”Hismouth quirked with the hint of a smile. “We’relooking forward to spending a lot of time with you.Laurenset up a permanent guest room for you.”

“Seriously?Ihope to get to know her better.It’salways such crazy pandemonium when we’re all together.”Kimsaw her brother’s deep brown eyes spark with amusement.

“Plentyof quality time ahead.Hopefully, you won’t feel smothered by all the attention.”

“Bringit on.”Kimchuckled. “Smother—unlessI’mon campus.”

“We’llsee.”Dave’snon-committal smile reminded her how often he’d run interference with her sometimes overprotective parents.IfI’dtalked with him, maybeIwouldn’t have allowed my relationship withFinnto get so unbalanced.Atleast not allow him to treat me like an afterthought for so long.

Shestartled whenDavenudged her shoulder. “EarthtoKimmy.Headsup—the drop-off and pick-up lanes are chaotic.”

“Sorry… jet lagged.GuessIzoned out there.”Sheglanced at him with a rueful smile. “Didn’trealize we’d left the terminal.”Shesquinted against the bright sun and fished her sunglasses from her purse. “Thesun’s so bright after grayVancouverthis morning.”

“Oh, so you’re not tuning me out?”Kimloved her brother’s teasing laugh.

Kimgrabbed his arm. “What?I’dnever,Dave.Justpreoccupied with my to-do list before classes start next week…”

“YouknowLaurenandIwill help any way we can.Don’tstress—apart from traffic, life’s pretty relaxed around here.”Heguided her across the multi-lane passenger pick-up and drop-off zones to the short-term parking.

“Everyone’seager to reach a destination and relax?”Kimlooked at the cars circling the garage, waiting for a car to vacate a space.

“Somethinglike that.”Davestopped by hisSUVand clicked the locks open.Heset her bag in the back and opened the front passenger door.Hegrabbed a package from the seat before assistingKimas she climbed inside the car.

“Thisis new, right?”Kimasked afterDavegot in, and she glanced around the interior as she reached for her seatbelt.