Page 4 of Winning Play

“Justtraded one lease for another.”Hehanded her the package before he fastened his seatbelt. “Mommentioned you wanted to switch to a new cell phone carrier.Istopped at theAppleStoreon my way to the airport and added the phone to our account.It’sa different number—but if you like the phone and want your old phone number, we can stop by on the way home and set that up.”

“Thephone’s perfect,Dave, andIprefer the new number.Ican pay for my account, though.”

“Nota big deal,Kimmy.Wecan avoid red tape establishing credit and activating a phone.”Helooked at her with a smile. “Considerit my welcome-to-Tampagift.”

“Thankyou,Dave.Youalways spoil me, you know.”

Herbrother didn’t reply until he exited the parking garage and merged with traffic. “Buyingan iPhone is hardly spoiling my only sister.Ifyou have your other phone, they said someone could help transfer your data and contacts.”

“Ibacked it up to the cloud.All’sgood, brother.Youcan ‘hardly spoil me’ any time.”

AsDaveparked the car in the driveway,KimspottedLaurenon the front porch.

“Fillingher hummingbird feeders,”Davesaid with a laugh. “Nowthat we added a few seed feeders,Ithink we’re nourishing all the birds in the county.”

“Oh,Ihope to see them.”Kimhopped from the car and metLaurenhalfway to the porch.

“WelcometoFlorida,Kim!”Laurenwas petite, but she greetedKimwith a fierce hug. “We’reso happy you decided onFCU!You’rethe perfect cure for the post-holiday blues.”

“Youguys had a bit of everything—Christmas,NewYear’sEvewith a wedding… and now me!”

“Yes, all very exciting and a tad exhausting the day afterNewYear’sEve,”Laurensaid. “ButIwouldn’t change a thing.I’mglad you’re here—we have a few days to relax before you can get on campus, right?”

“Yes!Willyou introduce me to your hummingbirds?Ilove that you have bird feeders.”

“Twistmy arm!Goon in—Davewill show you our newly renovatedKimSuite.I’llfinish up here and meet you inside.”Lauren’sgreen eyes twinkled as she reached for her container of hummingbird nectar.

Kimwandered around her guest room in awe.Largeand airy, the room held a queen-sized bed, night tables, a dresser, and a matching bookcase and desk.Thewalk-in closet doubled the size of hers at home.Inaddition to an ensuite,Frenchdoors opened to the huge screened-in porch.ShouldIreconsiderDaveandLauren’soffer to live here whileIattend school?Unfortunately, impractical.I’dneed a car, and there’s no wayIcan afford one or the gas.Ordrive through traffic in an unfamiliar city.Thinkabout this as your weekend oasis,Martin.

Shefreshened up, then joined her sister-in-law in the kitchen. “Lauren, the room is wonderful!Ilove the white furniture and shades of blue color scheme.Quitebeachy.”

Laurenpushed her auburn hair away from her face. “I’mhappy you like it.WhenDavefirst bought the house, we used it as an office/guest room.Then,Istarted working in here to enjoy the hummingbirds.”Shepointed to the colorful feeders outside the bay windows.

“Ican see why.”Kimperched on one of the raised chairs at the counter. “Yourbuilt-in bookcases and desk new?Idon’t remember them.”

“Weseldom used the breakfast nook, andDavesuggested making it a permanent office space.MyearlyChristmasgift.”Kimsaw the pride and love inLauren’sexpression when she noticed her husband walking toward the kitchen.

“You’redressed for success,”Kimteased her brother. “Gameday?”

“Don’tforget to callMom,”Davereplied as he nodded.Hereached forLauren’sarm and pulled her close for a kiss. “Seeyou after the game?”

Laurenpatted his chest. “Ofcourse.I’llbringKimif she’s not too exhausted after the long day.”

“Kim’snot exhausted,” she chirped. “Ican’t miss watching my big brother score a goal or three for me.”

“Giveyour new number toMomso she won’t blow up my phone,Kimmy.”

“Assoon as it completes downloading and syncing my data.Promise.”

DaveruffledKim’shair with an affectionate smile. “Ifwe win, we’ll go to the post-game celebration.”


Kimspent the afternoon organizing the box of clothes she’d packed to use until she moved into the dorm.Sheset her favorite jeans on the bed and chose a long-sleevedT-shirt.Hopethis keeps me warm in the arena—without overheating beforehand.

Sheglanced at her phone.Updatedand charged.Noexcuse not to callMom.

“Kimberly?Finally!”Hermother answered on the first ring.