Page 180 of Twisted in Obsession

Jericho sighs. “I have an obsession, Journey. I wanted to possess every inch of you. But I wanted you to have my last name. Now, you do. Journey Viotto. Sounds fitting, doesn't it? My father can never touch you again. We’re married. You are mine. And him? Well, he’s a fucking dead man.” He grits his teeth as he speaks.

“Ding, ding, we have guests!” Arrow says, jumping off the bed while staring down at his phone. “They're pulling through the gate right now.”

My heart plummets at the thought of guests. My brothers. They’re here to meet me and hand out my inheritance.

Jericho sighs. “So, you’re going to meet your brothers tonight over dinner. They’re going to give you information on your money and hopefully sign it over to you. Do you trust me?”

“What do you plan on doing with it?” I ask, cocking my head while examining his impenetrable expression.

“Hiding it. If my father thought he could take you, torture you, and leave you to rot in the dark… Well, he has another thing coming. I’ll make him regret ever laying a finger on you,” Jericho says as a grin explodes on his face. “We’re going to hide it so well, he’ll never gets his hands on it. And then, I’m going to end him.” With a quick peck on the lips, he removes himself from me, standing near the edge of the bed. “So, do you trust me?”

I look around the room at the three men who have come into my life like a fucking storm, shaking up everything about my existence.

“Trust him, Kitten,” Arrow stage whispers, throwing an arm around my shoulders. “We’re the only ones who can fight back against your monster.”

“We already have been for a year now. We’ve got our own soldiers and loyalists. We’ve proved ourselves to them over and over again. Now, let us prove to you that we’re on your side,” he says with a grin.

“And how does your father not know any of this?” I question, looking between the three of them.

They know bits and pieces about my captivity. But I haven’t told them the entire truth. Not yet. They don’t know who I killed and why. My eyes stray on Shepp, who leans against the opposite wall with a tightened jaw, watching the entire exchange. Obviously, the other two weren’t clued in on the marriage I was forced into.

They also aren’t aware that I’ve hit the jackpot with information. Jericho has just laid it all out. He wants his father gone. Maybe that’s why I’m here, after all. My monster knew if he put me here, they’d make rash decisions. They’d trust me.

Jericho shrugs. “It's possible he knows everything. He's paranoid at all times. He has spies out there.” His eyes cut to me as he looks me over. Almost like he knows why I'm here. “But I'm smarter than him and two steps ahead at every point. I have my own spies, relaying information to me.”

I nod several times at his words. That's what he thinks. His father has had his eyes on him for years. I suspect he knows more than he's telling Jericho. But what do I know?

I lick my lips. “Then, yeah, I trust you.”

Because what else can I do? I have to trust him so he trusts me.

My sister’s life depends on it.

“Wonderful,” Jericho says, clapping his hands. “Let's get dressed and meet them downstairs.”

“The guests. The guests!” Arrow sings to himself as the three of us make our way down the steps towards the foyer. I think he even clicks his heels together in a weird dance. Maybe he’ll fall. That would be fun punishment for his stunt earlier.

Loud banging on the front door echoes through the vast room, sending my damn heart into a frenzy.


I have brothers. Probably a lot of sisters, too. I know I have them. There are millions of Wests out there traipsing the earth. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration. From what I've heard, at least, Corbin West couldn't keep it in his pants. My mom is a prime example. She was a dancer in Vegas. Beautiful. Magnetic.

Then, she fell into Corbin's trap by landing in his lap. They had a short-lived fling while he played with his band in Vegas. Then, there was me. He barely hung around for that, leaving the moment I was born to probably go produce more children he refused to pay for. After that, my mom moved us here to Briar Cove. And that was the end of our story.

I felt stuck for a long time, knowing I had family out there. It never seemed like they wanted to know me. So, getting this opportunity to meet my flesh and blood has butterflies fluttering in my stomach and anxiety eating away at me. My thoughts stray to Sunny—my other sibling. She’d want me out here meeting my other family, thrilled that I had finally gotten the opportunity.

“On your best behavior, Little Chaos,” Jericho murmurs, throwing his arm around me and stopping me dead. Those dark eyes gaze into mine with hints of amusement sparking in them.

What an absolute dick. Is he still abiding by the ridiculous contract he had me sign? Well, I’ll show him later where he can stick that contract. Straight up his ass until he can taste it.

I frown, sending him my best death glare. Burn in hell, you dickweed. “My best behavior? Maybe I should say the same to you,” I say, raising a brow. “You married me without asking.”

I will not stab him. I will not maim him. Who am I kidding? I have to enact some sort of revenge. Right? Maybe I’ll file for divorce after receiving my inheritance. Take that, dickhead. Marry me without walking me down the aisle or giving me a pretty ring, you’ll regret it.

He grins, kissing my temple like I'm the cutest thing on the planet. I’ll show him cute. I’m going to shank him when he least expects it.

“We're in this fight together,” he hums. “You, me, and them against my father. Stop fighting this, Wife.”