Page 181 of Twisted in Obsession

I throw my elbow into his gut. Or try to. He laughs, holding his muscles taut and blocking my attack.

“If we're in this fight together then you shouldn't have let me get arrested or married me without my consent or the endless list of shit you've done to me, including the fucking contract you forced me to sign,” I hiss breathlessly, attempting to catch my breath.

“Aw. Mommy and Daddy are fighting again. Want me to hold him down, Kitten? We can slice off his nipples like pepperonis.” Arrow grins, coming to wrap his arms around both of us and pulling us into his side.

“Errr,” I stammer, trying to shake the imagery out of my mind. “No thanks to slicing off his nipples…” Actually, it’s probably not a bad idea. It’ll teach him some manners. Take a man’s nipples, and then, he’ll learn.

“We can still electrocute them. I always carry my knockout meds in my pocket. One stick and he's out like a light.” Arrow snaps his fingers in front of Jericho's unimpressed face.

“Let's get on with it, shall we?” Jericho demands, pulling out of Arrow’s hold with me in tow.

“Yes, Daddy,” Arrow quips, shooting backwards when Jericho takes a swipe at him.

“One of these days, Arrow. I will catch you and wring your fucking neck.”

Shepp snorts from beside us, leaning against the wall. He signs something to Arrow, and they chuckle together.

“You say all these fun things like stabbing me and choking me out like it's a bad thing.” Arrow grins, chuckling when he turns on his heel and heads to the front door. “Ready to meet your destiny, Kitten?” he asks, swinging it open. “Welcome, welcome!” he shouts in the face of a woman who rears back with a twisted expression.

I blow out a breath, counting down in my head before my darkness takes my panic away. A calmness settles through me when the dark-haired woman shakes her head and grins at Arrow.

“Olivia Viotto!” Arrow shouts with glee, picking her off her feet and swinging her around as she shouts obscenities at him.

“Arrow! I swear to God!” she squeaks when he finally sets her on her feet and then slaps his shoulders a few times.

My muscles tense when he holds her shoulders, and they speak in low voices, conversing so I can’t understand what they’re saying. A weird sense of jealousy spears through me, seeing Arrow so close to another woman. Maybe because thirty minutes ago, I was washing his cum from between my legs, and now he’s touching another woman—Jericho’s cousin.

“I like the green in your eyes. But she's my cousin. He'd rather rip his dick off and stick it in your purse than ever touch her like that. Besides, she has her own family. Five husbands, to be exact. One you'll love to meet in the future.”

“Five?” I question, swallowing hard when she shoves Arrow away and waves a hand at two shadows lingering in the doorway.

“Hmm. Oh, yes. You think Arrow is bad? You haven't met them.”

My eyes dart to him when he grins, squeezing my shoulders before we take a step toward them.

“Liv,” Jericho greets her with a genuine smile. “Were you able to sneak into town undetected?”

She snorts, shoving her long black hair over her shoulder, and I nearly suck in a breath. Red scars line one side of her face in wavy lines, causing a slight disfigurement to her skin. It seems though, she was able to conceal the majority of it under light make-up. But it makes me wonder what the hell happened to her.

“Always undetected. Although, I'm sure Uncle will catch on one of these days,” she grins, stepping back until her eyes lock on mine. “Ah. The unsuspecting bride.”

Jericho groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Liv.”

“Ah, ah,” she sings, waving a finger in front of his face. “You hush. I'm speaking to your wife.”

“My wife,” Jericho hums. “I quite like that.”

Yeah, I'll ignore that for now. He'll get what's coming to him later.

“I'm Journey,” I say softly, holding out my hand.

“Damn,” she says, checking me over with wide eyes. “You look just like my best friend River. Minus the curls, though. You’ve got the freckles, the same nose, and that damn eye color. Even your face shape is the same. I can’t wait to tell her.”

“She is a West,” says a man stepping forward.

Not just any man, though. My brother. A man with my blood running through his veins. I recognize him right away. Knowing which twin he is, though? That’s a different story.

“Hi. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm your brother, Zeppelin.”