Page 166 of Twisted in Obsession

It's a question I’ve been asking myself for days now. Why her? The only explanation I can come up with is what she said. Her mother sold her to my father. For what, though? Drugs? Torture? The money? Did my Chaos do something wrong? That’s a definite possibility. But it doesn’t explain everything I’m desperate to know.

‘She has scars everywhere,’ Shepp signs, shaking his head.

“And you discovered this when you boned in your art room?” I ask, tilting my head.

‘Yes,’ he signs with a scowl and quickly flips me off.

“He’s going to pay,” Arrow growls, clenching his fists.

“He will,” I say in agreement. “We’ll make sure he suffers to the fullest extent.”

“Now, let’s get this show on the road,” Arrow grins.

I suck in a breath, my eyes flying open as the sun shines through the bedroom windows. I blink several times, taking in the tiny dust particles floating through the rays and following until they're out of sight. The sun? When did the sun rise? Shit. A weird fog twists around my mind, begging me to close my eyes and go back to sleep. Fuck. Just five more minutes, please?

A weird heaviness weighs down my eyelids like sandbags pulling them closed again as sleep beckons me back into the darkness. If I just close my eyes for another second, I'll feel better.

Something tickles in the back of my mind. Something urgent, begging me to stay alert. Like I'm missing a piece of the big puzzle.

My palms dig into my eyes, wiping away the sleep clouding them. Slowly, my brain kicks on at warp speed as I gain my bearings.

My eyes dart around the bedroom, landing on Arrow, who is sound asleep to my right, and Shepp, who is asleep on my left.

How the hell did I get in this bed? To this room?

Last I remember, Arrow was distracting me with wine and promises of pizza as Jericho made a phone call to his cousin Olivia. I’m dying to know what they talked about. I’m sure it was something juicy and informative.

But then again, another part of me is happy, I don’t know. The less I truly know, the less I can tell my stupid monster. I’m sure he’s eager to hear what I have to say whenever I see him again. I’m supposed to be spying and gathering information, per his orders, after all.


I squeeze my eyes shut when a pain spears through my damn abdomen, straight through my vagina. Periods can rot in hell and die forever. Especially mine. It's the entire reason I got on birth control in the first place. To ease my pains and prevent me from getting pregnant. Although, I got it before I became acquainted with my monster.

Another pain works through my stomach, and I curl in on myself, wrapping a hand around my aching stomach. Fuck. Take me now, dear Lord.

“Oh, good. You’re awake,” Arrow murmurs, gently wrapping his arms around my abdomen and pulling me into his body. I sigh at his warmth, his body heat momentarily taking the pain away. “I was afraid you drank too much wine and slipped into a coma.”

I narrow my eyes when he buries his face in my neck. “Why would I slip into a coma? I only drank like half a glass,” I rasp through a rough voice, savoring the feel of him against me.

“Right. Half a glass,” he hums, kissing my cheek. “How’re you feeling this morning, Kitten?”

Those gray eyes linger on my fluttering lashes with intensity, like he's counting every lash and remembering every freckle.

“Um, I’m fine. Just have some cramps,” I say with my cheeks heating.

“Want a hot shower?” he questions, raising his head.

“Um, sure?” I say with a shrug as we make our way off the bed, leaving a sleeping Shepp behind.

Arrow lingers in the middle of the room, watching my every move like a hawk again. He smiles, darting into my closet and disappearing. Weirdo.

I shake off his weirdness and walk toward the bathroom, gently stretching out my stiff limbs. God. What happened to me last night? I feel like I partied with Jenni for a little too long and passed out after drink number twenty.



My breath leaves me when her name echoes in my mind. My best friend. Is she alive? Dead? Rescued from this stupid life by Elias? Fuck. Jericho said that she was safe with Elias. But there’s a part of me deep down that needs to see her for myself.