Page 167 of Twisted in Obsession

I can only hope he saved her from her fate. But I can't erase the guilt pouring through me at the job I had to do. I told my monster everything about her. And Elias. Their actions. Words.

I didn't have a choice.

Like now.

I shake my heavy thoughts away as I turn on the hot water on full blast. Sheets of steam immediately rise into the air as the water pours into the tiled tub.

I turn on my heels, looking at myself in the mirror. Jesus. I do look like I got run over by a bus. Bags under my eyes. Pale skin. Crazy as hell hair. Shit. I need conditioner and my special curly-head shampoo to tame my curls and remove the frizz. I wonder if Jericho the Jerk—AKA Jerk-icho—would ever give me his credit card.

Or maybe Arrow.

Speaking of the devil! God in heaven, he’s naked!

“You were deep in thought, Kitten. I didn't want to disturb you.” A grin eats away at his face when his eyes trail over my body. “Time to get naked!” he says with a small clap, setting a bright yellow sundress on the counter.

“Arrow!” I yelp, slapping my hands over my eyes. “What in the hell are you doing? Why are you naked?”

Don't peek through your fingers and look at his hard dong. Don't do it. Don't peek at the veins running along his shaft. Don't fall victim to his snake eye.


“Eyes up here, Kitten. Unless you want to lick him like a lollipop. He really wouldn't mind. I can come like a popped Twinkie in your mouth. And taste better,” he says, rubbing his hands together.

“A popped Twinkie?” I frown. “You know what? Nope. I don't want to know.” I shake my head when he sticks out his bottom lip.

“Besides, we’re showering, Kitten. What else would I be doing naked?” he says, shuffling around behind my back. “Now, take off your clothes, and let me wash your back. It can be water or cum, your choice.”

“Arrow,” I groan when he tugs at my shirt.

I'm way too sleepy for his off-the-wall shit.

My eyes connect with his through the mirror in front of us. What a beautiful, crazy man he is. Watching me like I'm the most important woman in the world. His fingers glide over my stomach, gently pressing into the painful spots.

“Pain, Kitten?” he whispers into my ear, making circles over my stomach.

“Yes,” I say, squeezing my eyes shut as he soothes away the cramps rocking through me. “I need some ibuprofen.”

“After breakfast, I'll soothe all your pains.”

And oddly enough, when he says it—I believe every word. He may be a little unhinged, but for me, he'll do anything. For whatever reason, I have them in my pockets. Now, what I do with that determines the type of person I truly am.

“I don't really need an audience to shower,” I sigh, leaning back into his naked body as his grip tightens on me.

Gently, his hands work over my stomach, trailing toward my hips. His fingers leap to my arms, working toward my shoulders, where he finally works his thumbs into my muscles.

“Ah, but what if you drown? I can’t have you drowning in the shower, Kitten. I need you very much alive and kicking. Besides, I just woke Shepp up, and he’s headed down to make your favorite donuts.”

I lick my lips, practically tasting the donuts on my tastebuds. “I’m not going to drown, Arrow,” I breathe when he works his magic down my back, kneading my flesh in his fingers and finding the knots in my muscles. “Oh, God. How did you learn to do this?”

“Oh! I tortured a massage therapist once! She gave me all the best tricks. Well, before I slit her throat,” he says so nonchalantly, it’s like we’re talking about the damn weather. “But she was a bad, bad girl! She exploited other women and didn't give them their proper dues.” He shakes his head. “Not to mention the prostitute ring she was in charge of.” He wrinkles his nose in disgust.

I have so many questions on the tip of my tongue. But I don't dare ask. He'd probably go into way too many details on how he murdered her. And I don't have the mental capacity to indulge him.

With a huff, I turn on my heel and glare into his eyes. “Stop that,” I grunt, slapping his hands away.

He grins in response. “Take your clothes off, Kitten. We’re wasting water and time! We have breakfast, and then I want to introduce you to my lions.”

“Lions?” I squeak, widening my eyes. “You aren't going to feed me to them, are you?”