Page 165 of Twisted in Obsession

“And what exactly did you do?” I question calmly, taking the scene in.

He chuckles, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Well, I thought we had more time before the sedative took her. Fuck. Isn’t she gorgeous when she sleeps? If I had my camera, I’d take a million snap shots right now and keep them forever.” He loses himself in staring at her unmoving face. “You think she’d get mad if I fucked her while she slept?” His brows furrow, thinking better of it, and he huffs to himself.

‘Yeah, she’d fucking murder you,’ Shepp signs with a redness blotching over his cheeks.

“Arrow,” I threaten. “Explain yourself.”

He rolls his eyes, pushing the pizza box in our direction. “You might as well eat before we do it. She’ll be out for hours before she comes to.”

“Arrow!” I bark, my voice echoing through the dining room.

“Fine!” he growls, scooping her sleeping form into his arms. “I’m tired of her IUD holding us back. So, I slipped her a little sedative in her wine. Although, I think she face-planted into the pizza.” He frowns, frantically wiping off her face. “And now is the perfect time to take it out.” He shrugs, walking past us toward the basement door, and disappears down the darkened stairs.

“And you say I’m the crazy one for marrying her without her knowledge,” I quip, side-eyeing Shepp with a smirk.

‘You are! But he is, too,’ he signs, shaking his head. ‘Should we follow him?’

“Well, I think it might be a necessity. He’s about to remove her birth control,” I say, tilting my head. “Hmmm. It’s not a bad idea, though. Her pregnant with our baby. Just imagine all the practice we’ll get.”

‘No. It’s not a bad idea. But the execution is ridiculous. We could have just taken her to the doctor,’ Shepp argues furiously. ‘Between the two of you, I’m going to be the only one who has balls left.’

“Well then, you’ll be a daddy, won’t you,” I grin, waltzing toward the basement with excitement thrumming through my veins. “Come on then, Sheppy. Let’s make sure he removes it without hurting her.”

“Don’t worry, Daddy Jer! I’ve got it all under control,” Arrow shouts from the depths of the basement.

“And how is that?” I hum, making it to the bottom of the stairs and locating him in a small room with a metal bed.

“Oh, you know. I spoke with a pussy doctor recently. He gave me step-by-step instructions,” he hums to himself, putting on a white coat, gloves, and a ridiculous headlamp. Looking as if he were a real doctor about to perform the procedure.

He’s no dummy, though. If he was able to get instructions on how to do it, then he memorized it to a T and studied.

“And if we need said doctor to help more?” I ask, raising a brow when he carefully moves around Journey’s sleeping form and collecting new tools I’ve never laid eyes on.

“Oh, he’s in the next room.” He shrugs, pulling out something atrocious-looking.

Wonderful. He’s taken another doctor hostage. Meaning, the man probably did something wrong. Much like the dentist he stole away weeks ago for touching his patients.

“And why didn’t you ask the good doctor to perform this procedure himself if it’s so daunting? Or have you already removed his fingers?” I lick my lips, moving forward to remove some hair from Journey’s face. She looks so peaceful and subdued when she’s under Arrow’s favorite sedative. So unlike her spirited self, but beautiful nonetheless.

Arrow stops dead. “Because no other man is ever seeing her pussy. That’s ours. I’ll tattoo my fucking name on her cunt lips,” he grunts, setting his tools beside the bed. “Besides, I’m perfectly capable of removing this. It’s not that hard.” He rolls his eyes as he turns on his headlamp. “All right, which one of you is going to take her pants off?” He eyes us, flashing the lights in our faces with a serious expression.



This is really happening.

‘I will,’ Shepp signs, grunting as he marches forward. ‘But you better be careful. No hurting her.’ He raises a brow when Arrow waves him off.

“Like I’d ever intentionally do that,” Arrow growls.

“Fine. But take it easy on her,” I demand, running my fingers through her hair, trying to comfort her even though she can’t feel a thing.

“I’ll never hurt her,” Arrow says with conviction. “She’s way too precious to me.”

“Us,” I mumble in agreement.

“I want to make her monster pay for what he did to her, Jer,” Arrow says seriously with furrowed brows. “Why does he even want her in the first place?”