Page 164 of Twisted in Obsession

“It was a necessary evil. She's safe under my roof with my last name. No one will ever harm her again.”

“Yeah, okay. We're moving on before I reach through the phone and strangle the fuck out of you. You better let her know you're already married. If I bring the West twins down there, they'll kick your ass.”

“Fine, fine,” I say, waving a hand despite her not being able to see. “I'll inform her of our nuptials. Now, what can you tell me about her sister?”

“Way to change the subject, Jer,” she grumbles with a sigh. “Sunshine West. Although, she's not really a West. Her father wasn't on the birth certificate that we recovered. Just Sable's name. She's fourteen, and she was born with a heart defect. She was in and out of doctor appointments her whole life. Well, until three years ago, she disappeared from all appointments. And off the face of the earth. Whoever tried to squish her existence sucked. They basically tried to make it seem like she didn't exist.”

“Any clue as to where she is now?” I ask, rubbing my chin.

“No idea. That's the one thing I can't pinpoint. I'm afraid to ask where you think she is now?”

“That I'm not sure of. In fact, I don't think Journey has any ideas, either.”

If I could just break through to her again and gain her trust more, she’d open up to me about where her sister is. She’d also confess completely as to who her monster is—even though I know it’s my own damn father. Then, I’d be able to help her more. As it stands, Journey’s refusal to spill her secrets severely hinders me from helping her directly.

Liv sighs, “Listen, that’s all I really have on her. I think you just need to be a big boy and have a normal conversation with her. Maybe she’d open up to you. Although, when she hears you married her without her consent, she might have some other things to say. Maybe she’ll chop your nuts off.”

“Perhaps,” I hum, rubbing my forehead. “Or perhaps she likes them too much to injure them.”

“Oh, gag me. Never say that ever again. La la la!” She fake gags several times before she stops and huffs at me. “Whatever. I’ll text you later, and we can all meet and welcome her to the chaos that is our family.”

I grin at her reluctant acceptance. “Talk to you soon, Liv. Thank you for all the information. And yes, I do tend to say please and thank you. I can be a gentleman.”

“Unless you’re marrying unsuspecting girls without their knowledge,” she jokes, and then, silence.

I pull my phone away from my ear and sigh. “She hung up before I could get the last word in.” I frown, typing out a message about her rudeness, hit send, and then pocket my phone.

‘You married her?’ Shepp signs with a twisted expression full of disappointment.

I hold up my hands. “I know what you’re thinking. And yes, I did. But it’s for her own protection.”

Shepp’s body stiffens. I’m sure he wants to say more on the matter. Probably tear me a new one like Liv did. But he just shakes his head.

“Pizza is here!” Arrow shouts from downstairs just as a door slams.

“That’s our cue,” I say, gesturing out the door. Once Shepp and I are side by side in the hallway, I grab his shoulder, turning him to look at me. A storm of emotions swirls in his eyes as he narrows them at me. “The three of us will take her to pick out a ring. I didn’t do it to be selfish.”

I did. I’m a selfish bastard. One he should probably pummel with his fists. He won’t, though. Sheppard Mondelli is a good, loyal friend through thick and thin. But now that I think back, we’re all in this together despite the oddity of three men sharing a girl. Equally, we are hers, and she is ours. Only, I get the piece of paper with her as my wife.

‘How?’ he signs.

“Nothing a little discretion and a flash of cash can do down at the courthouse. Besides, they belong to our organization. More specifically, us,” I say with a small smirk. “They eagerly filed my marriage certificate away and gave me a copy. Don’t worry, we’ll all have a nice ceremony once we have the answers we need. She’s ours, Shepp. That’s all that matters, right?”

He huffs at me, pushing my hand off his shoulder. ‘I don’t believe for one second you didn’t do it on the sly to be selfish. I know you. You’ve been my brother for years and my best friend, too. But you’ll be the one to tell her.’

I nod. “And you’ll take joy in watching her chop my dick off.”

‘Duh,’ he signs, rolling his eyes. ‘But she won’t stop there. You saw how she stabbed Arrow. She’s going to put you six feet deep. Then, we’ll be there to pick up the pieces.’ He grins to himself as he walks away.

Well, damn. Good for him.

I follow close behind him and enter the dining room at the same time, stopping dead in our tracks.

Arrow frowns at our girl resting her head on his shoulder, snoring louder than I’ve ever heard her before.

“Well, that kicked in faster than I thought it would,” he hums, taking a large bite of his pizza.

Fancy wine glasses rest on the table with half finished pink drinks in them. Well, until Arrow guzzles down the rest of his and discreetly pushes hers away.