Page 158 of Twisted in Obsession

“I will fire that rocket launcher,” Arrow says, pointing a finger at Jer. “Straight into Shadow's ass.”

“If you must,” Jer quips back, shaking his head. His eyes find mine, and we have a silent conversation.

Watch him.

We're his keepers, after all. And Jer knows this conversation is going nowhere.

“So, did Jenni happen to say anything else about this Shadow fucker? He's been a real thorn in my side for far too long.”

“No. That's all she said. But uh, her boyfriend was with him that night we went to the club.” She visibly swallows, leaving that hanging in the air.

“Seems we need to have a nice long discussion with Elias and his girlfriend,” Jericho says, straightening to his full height. He eyes Journey, carefully inspecting her blank face.

She's hiding more. She knows something else, but she’s not saying.

“Is Jenni okay?” she blurts, staring between the three of us.

“Why wouldn’t she be?” he inquires, raising a brow.

“I just haven’t been able to contact her since you took my phone, and I was just wondering…” she trails off, nibbling her lip with worry.

Of course. Jenni was her best friend—inseparable, even.

“Jenni is fine. She’s with Elias at their compound near the edge of the city, living her best life,” Jericho states truthfully.

‘We need to take Journey to the drugstore,’ I sign.

“Why?” Jericho asks, waving a hand. “We have pain relievers here. What could she possibly…”

“I’m on my period, asshole,” she grits out, curling her fists. “Unless you have tampons mysteriously tucked away in your mansion.”

Arrow grins, wiggling his brows. “Oh, boy. Can I earn my red wings?”

“What?” she recoils in horror. “No! Gross.”

Arrow pouts. “But…”

“No,” she says again.

“Well, then. Let’s go get you some super-absorbent tampons,” Arrow says with a grin, waltzing by and licking his fingers.

Jericho cocks his head. “He’s up to something.”

“He better stay away from me,” Journey says, narrowing her eyes on Arrow’s back as he walks right out the front door.

“Don’t worry, Little Chaos. You’ll get used to Arrow getting what he wants,” Jericho hums, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Now, let’s get your shoes on and head to the store.”

Journey wrinkles her nose in displeasure. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea to involve all three of you.”

“Why? What could go wrong?” Jericho says with a smirk.

“Everything,” she grumbles, shoving out of his grip.

I am never telling another man in my life that I’m on my period. It won’t even last that long. Maybe a day or two with how my IUD seems to work. When I first got it placed when I turned sixteen, I was told to expect this. That my periods would taper off, and then, they’d come back at some point. Maybe it’s time for a new check-up.

“All right, Kitten. I found them. Supers for a super good pussy.” Arrow wiggles his brows, holding up the box of tampons right next to his face.

“That’s not what it means,” I grumble, swiping the box away from him and putting it back on the shelf. “For fuck’s sake.” I swipe a hand down my face when he grabs a box of regulars and inspects them.