Page 157 of Twisted in Obsession

My brows furrow as I take in her stiff muscles and paling face. Until she shakes herself out of it and becomes a shell of herself. I swear every emotion evaporates from her, like another person has taken over.

“Someone's been stealing people from the club. We caught one woman on camera carrying a drunk girl out. She threw her into a car and took off.”

“Maybe she was just helping a drunk friend?” Journey asks with her brows furrowed.

“Mmm. Indeed. She makes it seem that way so we don't suspect anything. Except when she came back for a second time empty-handed and proceeded to carry another girl out. Same thing,” Jericho says way too calmly for my liking. “Fuck!” he grunts, grabbing at his hair. “The police aren't concerned in the least. I'm going to have to make some calls and get them more involved. Apparently, we're not the only institution getting hit. More and more people around town are disappearing. And I have no fucking clue who is behind it.”

“They're slimy little fucks,” Arrow grumbles, biting into an apple aggressively. “They avoid the cameras the best they can, too. Makes it fucking impossible to pinpoint. It’s like someone’s giving them the heads up and instructions.”

“Even some of the cameras were purposely turned off in some areas,” Jericho says in a low voice, placing his hands behind his back.

‘So, someone on staff is helping?’ I sign.

I feel the burn of Journey’s eyes on the side of my head, but I ignore it. If I could muster up the courage and tamp down my anxiety, maybe I could speak to them normally. But this has been our normal for so long, I don’t know what my problem is.

“Yes. It appears someone in our midst is helping them pull off this—whatever it is!” Jericho huffs with uncertainty.

“I bet it's that Shadow fucker,” Arrow hums into his apple. “I can't wait to break that fucker in two and bounce his eyeballs off the ground.”

“Shadow?” Journey asks, garnering all of our attention. “Who is Shadow?”

Arrow bites into his apple again, chewing loudly. “He's our arch nemesis.”

“Arrow,” Jericho sighs, shaking his head.

‘She deserves to know. Give her an inch, you'll be surprised,’ I sign, my heart fluttering with the information she handed me today. But I'll keep it to myself for now. I have Journey’s trust. I earned it. Not Jericho.

‘Did she happen to tell you things today?’ Jericho signs.

‘Just tell her,’ I sign, avoiding the conversation altogether.

“Shadow is… Well, we're not sure. Hence the name Shadow,” he says through gritted teeth. “Slimy asshole hides in the dark, doing his biddings right under our noses. It’s been that way for almost three years now.”

“He's a pain in our side, constantly putting dirty drugs on the street and killing people on our turf.”

Journey licks her lips. “Jenni told me about him.”

Jericho immediately straightens. “Oh, yeah? And what did Jenni happen to say?”

“He lives on an island like fifty miles from here or something.” She shrugs, chewing on her nail.

“Oh! Anything else, Kitten?” Arrow beams, finishing off the apple completely—seeds and all. “Like location? I want to use my rocket launcher and cook him until he's crispy!”

“You have a rocket launcher?” Jericho asks, paling slightly.

Great. Give the crazy man a weapon that could take out an entire city block and cause a massive fire. Just what he needs.

Arrow grins, mimicking zipping his lips, and tosses the invisible key.

“Arrow, I'm fucking serious!” Jericho growls. “You can't use that in this city.”

“And I'm not. I have ammunition with Shadow’s name on it. Along with my grenade launcher, too.”

“Why?” Jericho sighs out. “Where did you get these?”

Arrow shrugs. “Blackmarket dealer down on Fifth Street.”

“We'll circle back around to that…”