Page 110 of Twisted in Obsession

I leave Shepp stunned in the doorway, watching me as I leave toward my office where I grab a few stacks of papers. Once in the garage, I uncover my car, store the tarp, and climb inside.

I grin when I hold the contract binding Journey to me. Sure, I’m the law in my fucking house, and this contract holds no real authority in the outside world. Only within these walls where she’ll abide by all my rules.

And now, it’s time to truly make her mine. Thanks to her lovely little signature.

Today, she’ll be my wife.

‘You can't be serious,’ I sign, watching Journey out of the corner of my eye, huffing when Arrow pulls at the handcuffs with a grin. Much like Jericho, he loves riling her up and watching her go off like a bomb.

Me, though? I'd rather harness her energy and paint her into oblivion. I blow out a breath, aching to feel my brush between my fingers and stroking her skin with red.

‘I am,’ Jericho signs back with a smirk.

I jerk my gaze to his eyes when he doesn't make a sound. He's using my language to conceal our plans from her. But why?

‘Why?’ Arrow signs with his cuffed hand, crunching into an apple as we sit around the large living room.

He grins when Journey pulls at the cuff to turn the page of her book. Discreetly, Journey watches our interactions as we sign to one another. Taking it all in, one sign at a time. By the determined glint in her eyes, she'll have ASL down in two weeks flat. If that's even possible. Learning a new language can be difficult, but for her, it'd come in handy.

‘She'll leave,’ I sign. A knot forms in my stomach at the realization of his fucked up plans.

Jericho smirks, signing, ‘She will.’

‘Don't worry, Sheppy. I put a tracker in her ass. Even if she runs away to Mexico, I'll find her. It's very accurate,’ Arrow signs quickly, leaving the apple in his mouth as he does so.

‘Good,’ Jericho signs.

“It's rude to have conversations where one party can't understand what’s being said,” Journey huffs, folding her arms over her chest.

“It's not a conversation that concerns you,” Jericho voices sharply, adjusting his suit sleeve. “We're leaving tonight, and you're staying here.”

Journey doesn't flinch. “Where are you going?”

I eye my phone, noting it’s 7:30 p.m. We have thirty minutes to make it to our destination. By eight p.m, we’ll be on our knees awaiting our official ceremony of initiation.

“That's for us to know and for you to never find out. But I trust you'll be a good little girl and keep your ass parked in this house.” Not likely, but he obviously has a plan since we'll be holed up at our initiation tonight. Something she's not allowed to come to.

Again, she doesn't give anything away, hiding whatever she's feeling behind a solid cement wall. My eyes flick to Jericho, who cocks his head.


She rolls her eyes, flipping a page in the book on her lap. It's something we found on her nightstand. Some strange turkey shifter book, that I definitely didn't read in my spare time to understand her fascination with it. Three triplet turkeys fucking the same girl. Hell, even like Arrow, they stole her dildo. Well, she threw it at them through a window when they were peeping. Huh. Maybe she's actually into that sort of thing. Good news for her then, that's Arrow to a T.

“I'm not a dog,” she huffs, turning a page.

“I beg to differ,” Jericho goads. “Sit. Stay. Now, crawl to me.”

She doesn't pay him any attention, focusing on her book. Even as Arrow chuckles beside her. It's like she knows the exact buttons to push, and Jericho falls for it every time.

“Yeah, crawl, Little Kitten,” Arrow quips. “I can even get you a collar and a leash. Oh! And a tail.” He wiggles his brows as she sputters.

“No thank you. I'm trying to finish this book,” she mumbles, bringing it closer to her face, hiding the red tint on her cheeks.

“I'm buying her the tail,” Arrow whispers, bringing his phone out and typing in a search. “Kitten! This one comes with ears. It's a blue fox! It's perfect for you! Oh, look! There's a kitten one, too. I'm getting it!” He turns the phone toward her, and she blanches, shaking her head with something odd twinkling in her eyes.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul. And I think they're correct. Journey doesn't let much through. Somehow, she's trained herself to look as if she has no emotions. But sometimes, it comes through like a neon sign flashing her feelings to everyone. And right now, she's more than intrigued by what Arrow is showing her.

“There is no way in hell that is going up my ass," she hisses.