Page 111 of Twisted in Obsession

“You say that now,” Jericho says with a grin, climbing to his feet. “But it's in the contract.”

“Again with the contract, asshole,” she hisses, tossing her book onto the couch. “You can't..."

Great. Here we go. The wind up and fall apart.

Jericho marches forward, wrapping his fingers around her throat. In normal circumstances, the person at the helm of his anger usually flinches and begs. Not her. Her fire burns too bright, and there's no way he'd snuff that out.

"The contract is binding in my kingdom, Little Chaos. There is nowhere else for you to go and nothing you can say to sway what will happen between us," he grits out, pulling her closer and closer until their noses touch and their breaths ring out. "If Arrow wants to shove a tail up your ass, then so be it. I'll put the ears on your head and the collar around your throat. And then, I'll fuck you."

She shivers under his stare, squeezing her eyes shut at the imagery. If he talks about it anymore, we're all going to be late.

"We're running out of time, bro. If we don't get our asses moving, your daddy is going to come and track us down," Arrow chides, watching them with amusement.

"So, will you be my good girl and stay put?" Jericho asks, gently kissing her cheek. "Or am I going to have to bend you over my desk again and show you who owns your ass?"

Jericho chuckles when she pushes him away.

"I can't believe you guys had fun without me. Wake me up next time," Arrow pouts with a huff.

"Wake you up?" Jericho scoffs, fixing his clothes. "There is no waking you up. You're dead to the world."

Arrow grins. "Especially when I take a sleeping pill. They were fun, Little Kitten. Is that why you like them?"

Journey blinks a few times. "You have my pills?"

"Only one. Well, had one," Arrow says with a shrug.

"That poison is no longer necessary for you," Jericho scoffs.

"You're not a fucking God!" she shouts, quickly standing and pulling Arrow along with her.

Jericho grins. "Inside these four walls, I'm your fucking God, Little Chaos. I dictate everything about you. What you take. What you eat. What you wear. I suggest you get used to it. I don't relinquish control to anyone."

Mindlessly, I shake my head. He's always been hard to deal with, needing everything in a certain order and demanding perfection. But it's how Gabriel raised him and wanted him to be. He's not as brainwashed as he was before. None of us are. But shaking those bad habits off isn't easy. It's ingrained in his DNA to demand everything of her and expect her to fall to her knees for him.

"I need them," she hisses, poking him in the chest. "You don't understand what you're saying." Her teeth clench so tight together, I swear she's about to blow a gasket right here and obliterate Jericho where he stands.

I swallow hard, remembering the night I tucked her in, soothing the nightmare pulling her under. My fingers massage my throat, smothering the tightness threatening to cut off my air. I spoke. I fucking talked her down from the cliff she was falling off of.

And I haven’t done it again since. I know I can. But every time I go to open my mouth, nothing comes out.

"You don't. You have us." He shrugs without a care, turning his back on her. "And Arrow is right. We're going to be late, boys. It's high time we become men. What do you say?"

"Hells to the yeah! Now, where shall I cuff my little kitten?" Arrow asks, holding out his hand until Jericho hands him the keys to the cuffs.

"She's free to roam the house," Jericho says. "But know this, Little Chaos. We have our eyes on you at all times." His eyes scour the corners of the room, conveying the fact we have cameras everywhere.

You can’t be mafia royalty and not have extra provisions in place to ensure your safety. Besides, Jericho is extra vigilant when it comes to this home and our girl.

"Run, Little Kitten. I fucking dare you to," Arrow goads, unlocking the cuff from his wrist and hers. Leaning in, he kisses her cheek and holds her close. "Please run. I want to chase you through the woods." He grins.

Journey blinks at him in a stupor. "When will you be home?"

"Why? So you know when to be back?" Jericho asks with a smirk. "Don't you worry your pretty little head off, Little Chaos. We'll be back when we're good and ready. Now, shall we?" He waves a hand toward the door, and I nod.

Jericho and I respect each other, much like we respect Arrow. There has to be that in a brotherhood like this. Trust is the most important attribute we have between one another. We can't move forward with our plans and not have trust between us. It's the most important thing, something that's been broken for each of us by people we should have trusted the most.

I shudder, squeezing my eyes shut when I grab my keys. Images of my father's cruel smile and hands have me momentarily frozen until Arrow slaps me on the shoulder as he passes by, grabbing the keys from me. Like fuck would Jericho trust him to drive. He's crazier behind the wheel going thirty miles per hour than running at top speed. Arrow behind the wheel is a disaster waiting to happen.