Page 186 of Twisted in Obsession

Shepp rolls his eyes, signing something.

“Yes with the balls again,” Arrow quips, tossing him the bird. “Are we all in agreement, then? I’d really like to get this over with so I can fuck my wife.”

Seger’s face turns beet red. “Please, for fuck’s sake. Don’t talk about my fucking sister like that.”

“Point proven,” Zeppelin says with a cringe, pulling out a pen from his pocket. “But I’d like to be in the know of where this goes.”

“Straight into a foreign bank account under Journey’s new alias—Josie Wells. I’ve done extensive research and so has Sheppard,” Jericho says, pointing to the silent man at the end of the table, watching us carefully.

He nods in confirmation, signing something.

“He says they’ve been looking into it so Gabriel can’t touch a cent or harm Journey,” Olivia confirms.

“I trust them,” I tell my brothers with a nod. “They haven’t done anything to harm me.”

Liar, liar, pants on fire. They’ve chased you, fucked you, left you tied up, and the list goes on. Maybe I liked it. Just a little bit. But, still. I want the money so I can find my sister and get the fuck out of dodge and live a normal fucking life. Whether it’s here with Jericho, Arrow, and Sheppard. Or far away in a cabin in the woods.

And this is my only chance.

“If you fucking say so,” Seger grumbles.

“Then, let’s get this started,” Zepp says with a tight smile.

By the look on their faces, I can tell they think I’m making a mistake in letting Jericho take charge of my money. The facts are blaring them in the face. I’m married and over eighteen. So, the money is mine free and clear. I may not have known about it before, but this boost will help me immensely. It’s for my future. Our future.

“Well, it was great to finally meet you,” Olivia says with a wide smile. “Welcome to the family.” Her eyes shoot to Jericho, who stands a few inches away from me with his arm hooked around my shoulders.

“I get it,” he grumbles, running a hand down his face.

Olivia nods and leans in, embracing me. “If my cousin messes with you too much. You can call me, any time.” As she says the words, I feel something slip into the pocket of my jeans. “He seems to really care about you,” she murmurs, pulling back with a smile.

“Secrets don’t make friends,” Jericho grunts, sending her a scathing look.

“Sure, they do. We’re besties now! I’m just collecting all the Wests like trinkets,” she quips, slapping him on the shoulder.

“Until next time, cousin,” Jericho says with a sharp nod.

“Yeah, yeah. Hopefully, you’ll keep your nose clean.”

“Not possible,” he says, clapping her on the shoulder.

“We’ll all get together soon,” Zeppelin says with a soft smile. “My wife is eager to meet you.”

“Very eager,” Seger says, shaking his head. “It was almost impossible getting out of the house without her with us.”

They share a wistful smile while chuckling in unison.

“We’ll invite you to the West Family group chat. There’s a few of us in there to keep up.” I nod, relaying my phone number to him as Zeppelin taps away on his phone. “There. The invite was sent.”

I offer him a smile. “Thank you so much for all you’ve done. I’m beyond grateful for the both of you.”

We say our goodbyes and walk them out the door with a wave. Once the front door closes, we stand in a small circle.

“Well, that was a pleasant meal,” Jericho says, rubbing at his chin.

“I’m disappointed they didn’t want to meet Max and Nova,” Arrow pouts, shoving his hands into his pockets. “We could have had so much fun watching them feed.”

“Or scare them away,” Jericho quips, shaking his head.