Page 185 of Twisted in Obsession


“That’s enough, assholes,” Olivia pipes in, standing from her seat and straightening her pants suit. “My cousin and his friends may be a little backwards with society. But they’re good men. I one-hundred percent back them in their decisions.” She eyes the twins, who nod in sync. “My uncle is a dangerous man. He's the real enemy. If her money gets in his hands, then everything will go to shit.”

“My number one priority is taking care of Journey. Long ago, she was promised to me by my father.” Well, that’s new information he could have led with. But I’ll keep my mouth shut for now. He has so much to make up for. “He came to me when I was eighteen, claiming that he and her mother had struck a deal. And now, with this new information coming to light about her inheritance, it makes a lot of sense. The moment I walk her down the aisle in the presence of my father, he’ll have access to that.” Jericho gestures to the unopened paperwork sitting in front of me.

“Yeah? And how the fuck would he get to it? He doesn’t have access to it. Only she would.” Seger raises a brow, irritation forming behind his moss-green eyes.

“That’s where she comes in,” Jericho says, turning his attention to me. His fingers softly trace my jaw, and he swallows hard. “I’m sorry, Little Chaos. My father doesn’t do anything without a purpose. There was a reason he took you and a reason he’s done what he’s done.”

My torture. My jobs. Everything in between is what he’s alluding to. I was sold to him for killing his second-in-command. But maybe that isn’t the truth. Maybe he took me and threw me in the basement with the intention of letting me rot. Until something changed his mind. Something green and sparkly.

“Yeah? And what’s that?” I murmur, leaning into his soft touch.

“He expects you to just hand it over to him,” Jericho whispers.

“I wouldn’t do that,” I hiss, jerking back. “I wouldn’t give him the key to my fucking freedom,” I grit out.

Jericho nods, leaning to gently kiss my cheek. “Please trust me,” he murmurs. “I’m begging you to let me help with this. My father has his ways. He wants that money for God knows what reason. I swear to you, Journey. I’m only trying to help. You may not believe it, but I’ve loved you for years now. I wouldn’t do a damn thing to harm you.”

Yeah, right. You handcuffed me. Had me fucking arrested. And then, you dragged me here. They got me out of jail—despite being the dicks who put me in there—and they’ve relieved me of my monster’s overbearing aura.

They’ve saved me. Made me trust them. And now, I think it’s time I put all my faith in them completely, which is harder said than done. I’ve had to rely on myself for the past three years, living in survival mode for as long as I can remember. So, letting the reins go and giving them to the men I’ve come to trust with my life—is a feat in itself.

My heart rate skyrockets when he pulls back, exposing his vulnerabilities to me. Despite everything we’ve been through, I’m about to take a leap of faith and completely put my trust in him.

I have to.

“I’m fine, really. I’ve known these three for a long time, and I trust them. We got married so I could do this and hide the money from his dad. Recently, I found out that he made a deal with my mom, and he’s been using me…” I wrinkle my nose.

“I really don’t like the way you just said fucking using me. He didn’t…” Seger trails off, clenching his teeth.

“No!” I interrupt, shaking my head. “Not like that. It’s more complicated than that. He’s used me as his spy. He trained me to do a lot of things in the dark, and I….” I shake my head in shame at the things I’ve done in the past.

I’ve taken lives for him. I’ve spied for him. And all because he wanted to use the money that was left to me? I can’t let that happen. It’s something my deadbeat dad left for me. Not for him. It’s time to take my fucking life back. Maybe if I help Jericho hide the money, he’ll show me where and how. Then, I can use it to leave and find my sister, get her treatment, and then get her the new heart she desperately needs.

Before it’s too fucking late for her.

“Listen, this marriage wasn’t something I was exactly ready for,” I say, shooting daggers at Jericho, who continues to stare. “But it was necessary, especially for this. That monster took my baby sister somewhere to blackmail me into doing his bidding and apparently wanted my money, too. So, I don’t put it above him to try and take my money. I need it. And I don’t want him to have it.”

Zeppelin purses his lips and nods. “I believe you,” he says, eyeing everyone around the room. “I’m just hoping this is the right decision for you. I believe that these three have truly shown that they’re there for you. But I’m curious as to what the plan is?”

“I’m hiding the money in a secure location where no one can find it until the time is right,” Jericho says with authority, clinging to me tightly.

“Will my fucking sister know where it is?” Seger asks, leaning forward with malice in his eyes.

“She will,” Jericho says, squeezing my hand again with reassurance. “But there will be security measures in place to prevent it from being stolen. I want Journey to have complete access to this money. It’s not mine. I obviously have my own. I have my own businesses and such to keep us afloat. Sure, twenty million is a hefty sum, but that’s hers. Not his. And not mine.”

“If I fucking find out that you were involved in swindling this money away from her. I’ll put your ass so deep in Veritas prison, that you won’t even know what smacked you,” Seger grits out through clenched teeth.

Jericho puts both his hands up, offering his most innocent look. “Swear to the stars that I’m not tricking her or you. Despite what everyone might think of me, I don’t intend to be a bad guy.”

That’s debatable—is what I want to say. But I keep my lips locked tight. I need this money for my sister and her treatments. For our escape from the monster holding us against our wills. I want out of this town. Or, I used to. Maybe not anymore. My eyes stray to the three men surrounding me protectively. Their eyes stay on the possible threats sitting across from us.

They’d do anything to keep me alive and protected.

What more could I ask for?

“Nah. We murder the baddies off the street,” Arrow adds, climbing to his feet with tension lining his muscles. “The murderers, the pedos, the fucking kiddie nappers, and the goddamn politicians who think they can get away with whatever they want. They’ve met the sharp end of my knife. Not the innocent. Ever. Journey is the other half of my soul. My fucking soulmate. If anyone harms her, even that asshole, I’ll cut out his testes and use them as bouncy balls.”