Page 79 of Rock Bottom

“Love? Everything alright?”

“Yes, Charles. Everything is fine.”

“You sound a bit distant, aside from the miles.”

“Charles, when was the last time you and I had a holiday?”

He paused for a moment.

“Exactly,” Myra broke in. “I can’t remember when either. We’ve talked about it, but we never do it. There always seems to be something urgent we have to tend to.”

“I can’t disagree. What do you have in mind?”

“What if you came down here for a few days after we finish this mission? Nikki can look after the pups.”

“That sounds like a marvelous idea.”

“How much longer do we need to wrap things up?” Myra asked.

“Fielder’s Cayman account is empty. The IRS will be freezing whatever assets he may have. That should come down on Monday.”

“What about Walsh?”

“Seems like he’s planning on skipping town on Monday. Heading south from what we could glean from his internet searches. A stopover in Nashville and then he booked a motel just outside of Mobile. Of course, if things go according to plan, he’ll be canceling that reservation. Or should I say someone from our group shall?”

“But not until Kathryn has him,” Myra said.

“Correct,” Charles concurred.

“What about his bank accounts?” Myra asked.

“We’re not going to touch him until he’s several hundred miles away. If he thinks we’re on to him, he might alert Fielder and we could lose them both.”

“And then what?”

“Now that we know why Louise Phillips was following Zoe and she’s no longer on her tail, we’ll send Sasha to Walsh’s and place a GPS on his car. Kathryn is going to have to make a hairpin turn from Ohio. After she releases the trailer to the authorities, she’ll head to Nashville and catch up with him there. I already booked her a room at the same motel where he made his reservation.”

“What about Pearl?” Myra stroked her own pearls at the same time.

“Pearl is awaiting instructions. She has the oil barrels and cement. What else does she need?”

“Annie hasn’t shared the final details. Every time I ask she just giggles.”

“It’s not like her to keep anything from you,” Charles said.

“I know, but I think she’s saving it as a surprise. I’m fine with that. I know whatever she has up her sleeve will be perfect justice.” Myra chuckled. “But back to my original question.”


“Yes, Charles, a holiday. Just you and I.” Myra was quite serious. “I’ll keep the suite while Annie and I finish up in Florida and then meet you back here.”

“What about Annie?”

“I’m sure she will understand. Plus, she has to get back for a board meeting.”

“My next question—if Walsh is in Tennessee and Fielder is in Miami, how will Pearl be able to do her job?”

“Annie has her private jet. I am sure we can use that to transport Fielder to a shared destination with Walsh.”