Page 80 of Rock Bottom


“Speaking of brilliant, Annie just came out to the terrace.” Myra turned to Annie and said, “Speaking to Charles.”

Annie leaned in and called out, “Mornin’, Charles!”

Myra put her cell on speaker phone.

“All right, Annie!” Charles called back.

Myra gave Annie a quick rundown of what Charles had already shared. “And I have some intel from Fergus,” Annie replied.

“Charles asked about getting Fielder and Walsh in the same place so Pearl can relocate them together.”

Annie’s eyes brightened. “This is what I’m thinking. The dealership has allowed Fielder the use of the car he’s buying over the weekend. An extended test drive, if you will. Just to be sure he wants to keep it. But when he gets to the dealership on Monday, he’ll discover he can’t keep it. He will be informed the account from which the deposit was drawn was closed late Friday. Of course he’ll start making phone calls, but Mac will not be available for Mr. Fielder. That in turn will cause Fielder to have a major conniption. Account closed? No car? He will be mortified. I’ll happen to be at the dealership at the same time to overhear the conversation. Next he’ll get a phone call from his bank in New York telling him the IRS has frozen his funds. He will have to get back to the city, but can’t use his credit card, which has also been frozen. He’ll be on the verge of hysteria at that point. I’ll introduce myself at that point and tell him I’m on my way to New York. I’ll offer him a seat on my private jet. Again, an offer he couldn’t possibly refuse. While we are in flight, I’ll slip him something to help him relax.” She winked at Myra and snickered. “While he’s unconscious, the pilot will fly us to Nashville, where we will meet up with Kathryn, Walsh, and Pearl.”

“Sounds like you women have it all in hand,” Charles said proudly.

“There are a few loose ends. We have to get Mr. Segundo a new job. I’m going to ask Mac to take care of that. Izzie gave Zoe Jack’s card, to help her assistant Kyle get other work. He’ll also be mincemeat when the hammer comes down on REBAR. Speaking of which, when do you think that will happen?”

“First, I’m putting a call in to the FTC, SEC, and every other alphabet in government agencies. Even with the best lawyers, Fielder will never dig his way out of this. I am certain his family isn’t going to help bail him out of this mess, and he won’t have the money. Secondly, we won’t know what dark place he’ll be spending the rest of his days.”

“And Walsh?” Myra asked for clarification. “What about his cash reserve?”

“What’s that expression? He’s a dumpster fire in a train-wreck?” Charles laughed.

Annie began. “According to Fergus, Walsh’s cell records show he phoned the bank late Friday morning. Most banks don’t have that much cash on hand and need twenty-four hours’ notice.

“Chances are he will have cash on him, especially if he thinks he is putting a down payment on a place to live. We’ll take what we find on his person and forward it to one of our charities.” Annie paused. “Then he and his cohort will be sent to Pearl’s parts unknown.” She couldn’t help but chuckle. “But not without a little suffering first.”

“Are you finally going to tell me what you have in mind?” Myra pressed. Annie whispered in her ear. Myra roared. “That is hilarious!”

“Care to share?” Charles asked.

“Later, darling,” Myra said. “I need to talk to Annie now. Bye.”

“Talk to me about what?” Annie gave her a sideways look.

“I’m going to stay down here for a bit longer. A week. Charles is going to meet me once everything is sorted.”

“Oh, Myra, I think that’s wonderful!” Annie gave her a big hug. “You both deserve some R and R.”

Myra placed her hand on Annie’s arm. “Sure you don’t mind?”

“Mind what? Mind that my best friend wants some alone time in a beautiful tropical setting with her husband? Don’t be silly.” Annie kissed Myra on the top of her head. “I couldn’t be more pleased.”

“Thanks, Annie. I’ll let the concierge know I’ll be staying on.”

“No, you won’t. I’ll take care of that.” Annie was going to surprise Myra and Charles with a romantic dinner on the terrace as soon as Charles arrived. And, of course, a lovely bottle of bubbly.

“Let’s go over the rest of the plans,” Myra said.

“I’ll stay on another day and keep you company. I’ll fly to Miami tomorrow so I can accidently bump into Mr. Fielder on Monday. By Monday evening we should be winging our way to Nashville.” Annie picked up her phone. “I also need to speak to Mac about Mr. Segundo.” She dialed his private line.

“Countess! Again, I have the delight of hearing your voice. Is everything alright?” Mac asked nervously.

“Yes. Everything is quite fine. I decided to stay another day and Myra is going to stay on through next week. Her husband, Charles, is going to meet up with her.”

“That’s wonderful. I know it is very difficult to leave this island. So to what do I owe the pleasure?”