Page 78 of Rock Bottom

“Because there was no way for you to find out. Fielder and Walsh had them password protected once they suspected you were on to them.”

“But you . . .” Zoe trailed off.

“Abner is an excellent teacher.” When the download was complete, Izzie erased all traces of her intrusion. She pushed her chair away from the desk. “Shall we go?”

Zoe looked around her office. She knew she wasn’t coming back. She couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She took the one personal item off the wall. It was a chalk sketch she’d drawn when she was in high school. It was of a bridge. She tucked it under her arm and then thought about Kyle. “Izzie, I feel badly about Kyle. He’s an excellent administrative assistant. Fielder will toss him out when he discovers I’m not coming back.”

“We can fix that.” Izzie handed her a business card. “Just give him this.”

Zoe quickly wrote a note:

Dear Kyle,

Apologies for the short notice, but I am taking an indeterminate leave of absence. Please call Jack Emery as soon as you read this note. Tell him Izzie sent you. I wish you all the best. You’re aces.



She placed the note and Jack’s card in an envelope and left it under a paperweight on top of Kyle’s desk diary, already opened for the coming week.

Izzie placed her hand on Zoe’s arm. “He’s going to be alright. I promise. But he has to get in touch with Jack.”

“Wasn’t he a prosecutor?”

“Yes, he was. Now he has a private law firm.”

“With Nikki?”

“No, but they often work together on cases. Especially the ones where people don’t have the money for good legal counsel.”

“You have a marvelous group of friends.” Zoe sighed.

“Yep. Them’s my peeps! Come on, before you change your mind.”

“No chance of that happening.” Zoe let out a big burst of air. “I feel as if I’ve been holding my breath for days.”

“I know the feeling,” Izzie said. “But you are starting a new adventure. You should be excited.”

“I don’t think all of this has sunk in yet. It’s been quite a whirlwind. So much has happened in just a week.”

“That’s how we do things. We don’t like to waste time. Important information can get lost. People disappear.” She chuckled. “I mean, those who disappear on their own.”

Zoe gave her an odd look. “Dare I ask?”

“Nope.” The elevator doors opened. Zoe stepped in and didn’t look back.

Chapter Thirteen


Cayman Islands

Myra was sitting on the terrace of their suite, enjoying the view and her morning tea. She picked up her phone and called Charles.

“Good morning, love. How is my girl today?” Charles sounded very chipper. “I’m looking forward to seeing you tonight.”
