Scouring her.

Remaking her, she realized. Through ecstasy and burning.

And as they slowed, as she started to turn languorous and sated, as the last of his fire touched the outermost parts of her, she saw it.

In her mind’s eye.

Two versions of herself. One as she was now—a moonlight pixie. The other as a blue dragoness. Pale, pale blue, similar to moonlight over water.

And for a second, she was tempted.

To be able to fly with her mate, play with him in that form. Fight at his side.

But she could never give up her heritage, her own magical powers, her connection to the moon. And Asher loved her exactly as she was.

So she chose.

And the burning sizzled away, leaving her gloriously, beautifully, incandescently sated. She went to curl her arms around his neck. He was still seated deep inside her, and she had every intention of keeping him that way until they were both ready for another round.

He was right. They had some catching up to do. But wouldn’t that be fun?

Only as she sleepily, blissfully reached for him, a sudden searing pain at the back of her neck brought her to gasping wakefulness.

It flared white hot, then died out just as quickly. Even so, she lifted her hand to the flesh at her nape, a tiny bit scared it would have been burned away.

But it hadn’t.

In fact, her skin was cool to the touch, save a slightly puckered mark that she traced with her fingertips. Asher’s family mark, linking her…his mate…to his line permanently.

Their bond snapped into place with ease, and then, as natural as breathing, she could feel him. Feel his essence, his being. And the utter happiness he sat with now.

“Let me see,” he murmured. And she went up on her elbows, leaning and turning as much as she could without dislodging him.

The second he spotted his mark, he growled a possessive sound, and a wave of supremely male satisfaction flooded through her from their bond.

Gwen grinned. “I think you like?—”

His cock swelled inside her, immediately as hard as it had been only moments ago.

“Like it,” she breathed out. Her own body already heating, readying to meet him in their pleasure again.

Asher put his lips to the mark, over the mark, and sucked. Hard.

Hard enough to add a second mark to her skin. And as he did, he pumped his hips.

He lifted his head and growled in her ear, hips still thrusting. “I fucking love it…mate.”

And grinning from ear to ear, Gwen held on for the ride.

For the start of their life together. No more separation. No more loneliness. No more isolation.

She was his.

Just as he was hers.


The modern penthouse that took up the entire floor of the New York skyscraper was understated in a way that made the wealth more obvious. Humans did so love to try to reach their gods, climbing their buildings ever higher into the skies.