Where they didn’t fucking belong.

But the person standing at the floor to ceiling window, hands clasped behind their back, staring out at the sparkling city lights that drowned out the night stars here…they belonged up here.

“Your Worthiness,” a silky-smooth voice sounded from the shadows in the room.

One of the army of wraiths they’d amassed.

They didn’t turn. “Report.”

“We did not retrieve the egg, I’m afraid.”

The cowering in the wraith’s tone could set one’s teeth on edge.

“It is now with Luu Meilin.”

The green dragon queen. The mountain that served as the green dragons’ fortress base was as close to impenetrable as any place could get. Their wraiths would be useless against dragons. But wraiths weren’t the only creatures they’d amassed into an army.

“We make our most humble apologies for this failure.”

A bored hand waved that away. “How many did we lose?”


An unlucky number. That was unfortunate. “Dismissed.”

The wraith disappeared with no sound, and yet the person still standing at the window could feel their retreat like a physical touch in the air.

The senses the gods had graced their kind with helped with that.

“The green dragon queen will be the key,” the monster murmured.

Its smile was one of brutal anticipation.

* * *