He barely kept them bothupright as she collapsed in his arms. Somehow, he managed to scoopher up and walk her through his apartment to his master bathroom.There, he undressed himself—hells, he hadn’t even taken his pantsoff yet—then slipped her thigh high stockings and “fuck me” heelsoff. He managed to bundle her hair on top of her head and got themboth under the spray of hot water in his shower.

Laying tiny kisses acrossher skin, he resisted enjoying another round. “Don’t fall asleep onme,” he whispered.

“Hmmm…” she hummed back,body pliable but eyes on him. Not with heat butcuriosity.

Smiling that he could touchher this way, he gently cleaned them both up. She didn’t say a worduntil he wrapped her in a fluffy towel. “Thatwas…lovely.”

Almost as if thanking himfor treating her sweetly. What kind of men had she been with not toexpect sweetness?

The same as the kind ofwomen he’d been with probably. For a god of love, he’d struck outin that department. Too optimistic for some. Too sexual for others.Too a lot of things. But he’d always held out hope, even after twocenturies.

“My pleasure,” hemurmured.

Her answering smile was entirely unguardedand sincere.

Chance knew, right in thatmoment, that he was in trouble. He’d agreed to no feelings, but hewanted more than a few days of fucking. He wanted way more. Hells,he’d always wanted more from Elodie, and he wasn’t going to fuck upthis opportunity. Given her skittishness, that was going to takesome doing.

Somehow, he managed to keepit together. He dried himself off and took them through to hisbedroom. Sliding between the cool sheets, he pulled an extrablanket over them both when she shivered, and wrapped her up in hisarms. They needed to rest if they could. Given their start to howthey were both reacting to his arrow, they probably wouldn’t havelong before they turned back on.

Next time he was going toshow her slow and gentle. He had two days, three at most, to changeher mind about the no feelings thing. He needed her to know thiswasn’t temporary, or just an easy flirt, that he wasserious.

Chapter 5

The low rumbling insideElodie’s head woke her. Her monster needed to feed. Last nightshe’d already been on edge, but not getting her prey made the needworse. If Elodie didn’t get to feed in the next day or two, hermonster would unleash without her control.

What if that happened withChance? Gods, she couldn’t risk it. Somehow, between blissfulorgasms, she needed to get away and sate a differenthunger.

That’s how it was forsirens. Humans had two hungers—food and sex. Sirens dealt with athird. An insatiable hunger, feeding off the aura of the men shekilled. A need that would never go away. She could never havenormal. No relationship. No family. That she dreamed of more madeher pretty fucked up. She’d never told her sisters, or anyone sheknew, stuffing those dreams down in the dark hole inside her whereher monster lived.

Chance knows,though, a small voicewhispered.

He’d once told her that shedeserved more from the world, and the side of her that wanted morehad almost listened. But Chance didn’t know everything. And askinghim to tie himself to what she was…that wasn’t fair. Not to a manlike him. One who actually seemed to believe in love, and romance,and happy ever after.

So she’d continue to ignorethat want and make sure to feed her monster as soon as she got achance.

Elodie blinked her eyesopen in the morning light streaming in Chance’s bedroom window. Noblinds on the windows either, just like the living room. Was theman a voyeur or an exhibitionist or both?

Probably both. God of love and all that.

Nothing wrong with it.She’d been an exhibitionist herself last night, letting him fuckher against that window was about the hottest thing she’d everdone. In two hundred years on this earth, that was saying alot.

She waited for that smallwarming sensation that was a warning they were about to needanother round to sate their need. But it didn’t come as it hadevery other time either of them had woken up all night long. Maybethey were through the worst of the effects?

A sudden weight around herheart at that thought sent a surge of surprise through her. Shemight keep her emotions on lockdown—hard to turn into the monstershe became to kill her victims otherwise—but she knew whatdisappointment felt like. And she was honest enough with herself toacknowledge that’s exactly what this heaviness was.


Part of her didn’t wantthis to end. Chance had been…a revelation. In the best of ways.Both so gentle he’d brought tears to her eyes and rough but alwayschecking to make sure there was no pain involved. He’d bathed her,fed her dinner, kissed her like he’d meant it.

He could become anaddiction if she let him. Good thing she’d been clear about nofeelings. She’d hate it if she broke his heart.

Needing to move, Elodiestretched, then caught herself smiling at the small twinges in hermuscles. Muscles that hadn’t been used that way in far too long.With only a little rest in between, they’d gone at it most of thenight. She’d lost count of how many times.

He’d reach for her. She’d reach for him. Itdidn’t matter. It just felt damn good.

And for someone who’d justhad a marathon bout of sex and very little sleep in between, sheshould be exhausted, but instead she was…exhilarated.Invigorated.

She hadn’t felt this goodin ages.