All because of Chance Eroson’s magiccock…and hands…and mouth.

And arrow,a small voice reminded her.

She’d found herselfforgetting more than once through the night that this wasn’t real.This was just a contrived fuck fest to force a connection tomanifest.

“What’s the frown for?” herumbled against her in a sleep-laden voice.

Elodie slowly rolled overto find him facing her, watching her with an arrested expression.How had he known she was frowning?

Deliberately she schooledher features so he couldn’t read any more. “Nothing,” she murmured.“Except, I’m hungry.”

Chance winced. “I don’t have a lot to eat inhere. What I scrounged up for dinner was about it.”

“That’s okay. I saw a bagelplace downstairs. They any good?”

That grin of his might beher undoing. Charm and eagerness and sex all rolled into a lopsidedsmile. “I’ll go grab us some.”

He hopped out of the bed,and she gave herself permission to thoroughly enjoy the view. Godsreally did come in the most beautiful packages, especially Chance.Heat surged into her cheeks at the sight of her own teeth mark onhis ass. Good heavens, what had she been thinking, biting him likethat? Marking him like he was hers.

He’d told her he liked alittle pain. The memory of what he’d done after that bite sentanother fresh surge of heat through her.

What was wrong with her, blushing like avirgin on her wedding night?

“Any flavor of bagel orschmear?” he asked as he dressed.

“Plain bagel withstrawberry.”

He paused with his t-shirthalfway on. Then shook his head and laughed.

“What?” She pushed up tositting, holding the sheet over her curves.

“You’re just kind ofadorable, is all.” He shrugged the shirt the rest of the way on andwas out the door before she could respond. She was still absorbingthat anyway.

Adorable? No one called her that.

Sexy. Mysterious. Fuckable. Bitch. All that,of course. But adorable? She wasn’t the type.

Another glow of warmthsettled in her chest that he thought of her that way. One that shepushed back down with determination. Rather than lay here and gettrapped in unhealthy wishes, she got up. Her dress was not anoption, but neither was eating a bagel in the nude. Not if shewanted to finish the meal. So she went through Chance’s closest andpulled out a black button-down shirt, rolling up the sleeves. Inhis drawers she found he wore boxer briefs and found a pair stillin the wrapping. So she put those on.

Then she explored. Thecozy, lived-in vibe she’d gotten last night made sense now that shehad a chance to look around. His life was on display for anyone wholooked. Pictures of him in places all over the world andknickknacks from the same spots. Books bound beautifully inleather, many first editions, and yet they’d clearly been read.Books on all sorts of subjects—the classics, biographies,histories. Like her he’d lived the last few centuries of historyand knew creatures much older who could give first-hand accounts,but he read histories anyway.

She kept wandering,enjoying his choices of art and décor. A massive tome bound in redtook pride of place on the desk in the spare bedroom and, curious,she opened it, only to still. Each page were pictures anddescriptions dedicated to the couples he’d joined together. Notjust his initial research. He’d kept up with them afterwards. Therewere even wedding announcements and birth announcements fromnewspapers.

He wasn’t just in it for the game. “Youreally care,” she whispered.

A knock sounded at the doorand, with a jerk, she straightened guiltily. Only he didn’t comein, he knocked again at the front door. With a little frown shemade her way to it. “Did you forget something and lock yourselfout?” she called as she tugged it open.

A rough hand clamped aroundthe back of her neck and another, holding a sickly-sweet smellingrag, clamped over her mouth and nose. Then blackness took herunder.

But not before she recognized his face…andhis aura.

Chapter 6

The bagels lay by theelevator where he’d dropped them. Scattered and schmear face down,and he didn’t give a shit.

Chance had come upstairsfrom getting them, humming. Actually fucking humming like he washappy. He should be more worried, because convincing Elodie to givehim a proper shot after the arrow wore off was going to be quitethe task. The woman had turned shutting off her emotions into anartform.

Even this morning, justasking her about why she was frowning, and suddenly all trace ofemotion was wiped away, giving him nothing. Not an inch. Every timein the past he thought she’d softened, she’d shut back down andwalled up her defenses.