Page 143 of Wild Ride

“Maybe. But that’s not what happened. I know it’s mixed up. You’re taking this on, while also laying the past at my door. We can play the blame game until the cows come home, but it won’t give either of us any peace. My actions still hurt you, made you think you weren’t worthy of a home, of a family, of good things, and for that I’m so sorry.”

She was right, of course. Holding onto this jagged-edged weapon of self-destruction and blame would only keep him in the dark. He wanted a path to the light, a way back to Ashley. He wanted to be free of it.

“I don’t know where to go from here,” he said.

“A cup of tea, a mug of coffee, and a kitten.” She smiled as she petted the tabby. “That’s where.”


For the fifth time in as many minutes, Dex looked over his shoulder at the entrance to the courtroom.

“You know we don’t need her,” Mr. Grady, the lawyer, said. “The statement she sent will suffice.”

He’d already cut a deal with the prosecutor. Apologize to Hughes, make a donation to the asshole’s favorite charity, and express adequate contrition. Then Dex O’Malley would ride again.

It was up to the judge to sign off on the deal. His lawyer had said that some judges liked to flex their independent thought muscles and ask a lot of questions, looking for evidence that the defendant was truly sorry for his actions.

Like this one.

“Well, Mr. O’Malley, you seem to have done the minimum necessary to satisfy the requirements of the prosecutor. This letter detailing your volunteer work is to the point without being overly effusive as are the character references from your team captain, Mr. Petrov, and former coach, Mr. Ballard.”

Dex slid a quick look at Anton who had made a surprise appearance in court today. He’d asked him for a reference but hadn’t expected the man would come in person, and just knowing he was prepared to speak on his behalf sutured some of the wounds. Anton nodded and waved for him to pay attention to the judge.

“I hear you’ve apologized to Mr. Hughes, yet I have to wonder at your sincerity. If maybe you’re checking the boxes to get you out of trouble. Would you like to tell us more about your path to the courtroom today?”

His lawyer touched his elbow, encouraging him to stand.

Dex pulled himself upright. “Your honor, I’ve made a mess of things. I get that.”

There was a commotion behind him. The judge frowned again and held up a hand for Dex to halt speaking.

He turned and spotted Tara, who gave him a wave. None of the guys could show to give their support in person because the team had already left this morning for the away game in Dallas, but seeing Tara was nice.

Ah, not just Tara.

Behind her was Fitz. Kind of strange, but Tara had her husband wrapped around her little finger. Still, the boss was not going to like having to delay his travel.

Only it didn’t stop at Fitz. Next came Kershaw in his game day suit and his hand raised in a cheery salute. On his heels was the clown car of hockey franchises as what looked like every one of his teammates shuffled in and took seats in the back of the room. When those seats were filled, the remaining players stood at the back, leaning against the wall and eyeing the surroundings suspiciously.

Foreman caught his eye and nodded. Petrov lifted an aristocratic eyebrow. Gunnar Bond gave a chin jerk while Reid Durand looked like he was hating every minute along with everyone around him. Seeing everyone here … Dex would not have expected that at all.

The arrival of the Chicago Rebels roster had a predictable effect. The murmurs were increasing in volume when the judge held up his hand again.

“This courtroom will not tolerate any interruptions. Mr. O’Malley, you were speaking.”

“Yes, your honor. I was talking about how I’ve made a mess of things. I should have acted more maturely and for that, I apologize. To the court, Mr. Hughes, the team, and the fans.”

“Go, O’Malley!” That sounded like Kazminski.

The judge cleared his throat and glared over Dex’s shoulder. “Am I right in assuming these new arrivals in my courtroom are your teammates?”

“Yes, sir. I mean, your honor. They should be on a plane right now, so I’m surprised to see them.”

“Can we say a few words in O’Malley’s defense, your holiness?” Kershaw piped up.

The judge pursed his lips. “No, you cannot. Mr. O’Malley has all the legal assistance he requires.”

Dex hid his smile. He took another quick look and got a thumbs up from Hudson Grey and a big grin from Tara. This had to be her doing.