Page 144 of Wild Ride

But, as heartwarming as it was to see them, he’d have traded every single one of them for a glimpse of Ashley.

“Well, Mr. O’Malley,” the judge said. “Continue.”

“Over the last two months I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’m in a position of great privilege. I have an amazing team of people in my corner. I like cats and dogs equally.”

“Not possible,” someone muttered, only to be shushed by the team.

“Mostly, I’ve learned that I need to face up to my problems like an adult. My response to Mr. Hughes was disproportionate and I hope we can put this incident behind us.”

The judge held them all in suspense for a good five seconds longer than was truly necessary.

“Mr. O’Malley, it looks like you’ve met the requirements of the prosecutor’s office. The plea deal you’ve worked out shall remain in place, but please be aware that not everyone gets as many chances as you do. You have health, wealth, talent, and good fortune. I hope you’ll remember that the next time you’re tempted to let your temper override your common sense.”

Outside the courtroom, he was mobbed by the team.

“I can’t believe the judge didn’t let me speak!” Kershaw was outraged at the slight. “But luckily you didn’t need it.”

“I think he saw you all there and was worried there’d be a riot if he didn’t sign off on the deal. Shouldn’t you guys be on a plane?”

“Like we could leave you alone at your time of need.” Foreman winked. “Petrov told Fitz no one was flying until we’d put in an appearance. There was talk of slipping you a file and breaking you out, if it came to that.”

“Need you in Dallas, man,” Kaz said. “Even Coach was grumbling about it. Said the justice system has ridiculous timing!”

Dex wouldn’t quite put it that way. He’d let his emotions rule and that was on him.

Anton came over and shook his hand. “Congrats, son.”

“Yeah, thanks so much for making the trip. I never would have expected it.”

His old coach shook his head in disbelief. “Maybe you need to expect it.”

The man was right. He had a team on his side, but he’d never take it for granted. Even the brotherhood of ice took work.

Fitz approached, Tara by his side. “Looks like you can make this trip after all, O’Malley. Glad to see this episode is behind you.”

Tara hugged him. “You’re free and clear, friend! Ashley’s going to be thrilled.”

“Ashley?” Just hearing her name sent him into a tizzy.

“She was here a moment ago.”

“Here?” He looked around. “But she wasn’t in the courtroom.”

“She was sitting outside with—” She lowered her voice. “Your mom. They didn’t want to upset you. Oh, there’s Ruby.”

Ruby? Tara was on a first name basis with his mother? Of course she was.

He looked over to the end of the corridor. Ruby was standing at some distance, smiling tentatively. They’d met one more time at the cat café. She was right: it was a great de-stressor.

Still no sign of Ashley.

But seeing his mom gave his heart a lift. It would take time, but they were on the right road.

A couple of the Rebels front office staff were trying to corral the team and guide them to the exit and a waiting bus. Dex watched as Ruby turned away and headed for the entrance to the street. He took a step toward her, just as Kershaw spoke.

“Isn’t that Ruby from Sunny Side Up? Hey, favorite server, what are you doing here?”

Pivoting to face them, she looked uncomfortable while she searched for an excuse that wouldn’t embarrass Dex.