As dreamy as that felt, I’m glad all my memories weren’t just wishful thinking. I’ve got a date to get ready for.

Chapter Eleven


Eager for our date, I get out of bed easier today. The forecast says it’s the coldest temperature of the month, but I don’t notice.

I find my mom in the kitchen and she’s bracing the counter while coughing into her sleeve.

I rush over to pat her back, then guide her to a chair. “Are you okay, mamá?”

“I thought I’d be okay, but I think I picked up a cold last night. I’m sorry mija but I don’t think I’ll be able to take care of Ana tonight.”

“Don’t worry about that, mamá.” I tuck her into bed and finish my rounds on the ranch. By the time I bring Ana to school, I’ve gathered the courage to call Jules about our change in plans.

“Hi Adriel.” I hear giggling in the background.

“Hi Jules. Tell Justine I say hi.”

I hear some mumbling, and then I hear Justine on the phone, “Hey Adriel. I hope you have fun plan for your date tonight. Jules is looking forward to it.”

I must be on speaker phone.

“I’m sorry to do this, but my mom was going to watch her but she’s sick. I called to reschedule.”

Some more mumbling, and then I hear, “Adriel, leave it to me. I can watch her. We’ll make dinner and have a movie night. I’m a great babysitter.”

If she’s anything like Jules, she’ll be great with Ana. I usually have a system of vetting people though, family included. I’ve heard too many horror stories about babysitting gone wrong. But, if she’s at home with my cameras on, maybe I’ll feel a little more at ease.

“Are you sure you’re comfortable watching her?” I ask.


“I’m a bit overbearing when it comes to Ana. I’ve got cameras around my house, and I’ll probably call too many times.”

“Wow, quite the mother hen. Yes, sir. Those terms are acceptable. I promise to protect her with my life.” I can practically see Justine saluting the phone.

Even with all my security measures in place, I still feel a bit uneasy about it.

“She’s a great babysitter and has been a camp counselor since she was thirteen, if that makes you feel more comfortable. I’m also totally fine with rescheduling.”

“No, let’s go. I think Ana will love Justine too. Maybe you can teach her how to make that adobo for dinner? She loves to cook.”

Justine erupts with laughter and claps. “We’ll come to your place by two, and you can leave with Jules from there.”

“Wow. Thanks for setting up our date, Justine. We’ve got it from here,” Jules says.

Jules laughs on the phone and takes me off speakerphone. “Did that sound okay with you? Really?”

“Our date is long overdue. See you soon.”

This is the first time we’ll really be out together. Every time we’ve been alone before felt like stolen moments in separate timelines. Snippets of conversations at the library. A few afternoons sorting donated books. Each experience had different intentions behind them, but tonight is about getting to know each other.

Eagerly watching for their arrival through the window, I see Jules as soon as they park in front of our home. Every time I see her, I can’t stop myself from staring. I’m thankful for these few precious moments where I get to stare without judgement. She’s wearing a pastel lavender corset style cotton dress that drapes around her hips and ends at her calves. Asking her to get ready for a lot of walking, she completes her outfit with white, leather sneakers. Today her cat paws are back on her lobes with cute stud earrings. That’s more perfect than she knows.

“Caught you,” Ana says from behind me. “You sure are excited for this date, dad.”

“I really am,” I say.