“When you two get married, remember who told you to ask her out first,” she says, pointing at her own chest. Ana walks over to open the door for them.

Before Justine can walk in, Ana asks, “Do you like The Baby-Sitters Club books?”

“I love them. The new graphic novel versions are so cool,” Justine says.

“Which one are you?” Ana asks.

Without missing a beat, Justine says, “Claudia for sure. I even brought some temporary-colored hair spray for us to play around with if you want.”

Ana’s eyes light up and then she turns to me and says, “Bye dad!”

Not my style of vetting, but it seems to have worked for her.

“Bye cowboy, take care of my sister,” Justine says.

She leads Justine down the hallway, and it’s finally just me and Jules.

“You look amazing.” I square off my hips with hers and hold her in an embrace I never want to leave.

“You do too.” She says to my navy t-shirt, jeans, and boots combo. “No hat today?” She asks looking up at my gelled black waves.

“Not today. Give me one more minute to make sure everything is set, and we’ll get going. Help yourself to a drink from the fridge for the drive. It’s almost an hour away.”

“Okay, I’ll grab another for you. What are we doing?” Jules asks.

“It’s a surprise,” I say walking around my house and putting a few security cameras on.

“How mysterious. I’m excited to get to see what you’re into.”

“I’m excited to get to see what you’re into, too.” She has no idea what’s in store for today. Neither do I, if I’m being honest. Let’s just hope she likes surprises.

I’ve always gotten the sense that Jules likes to take care of other people. She’s always helping at home with her family, practically a parent to her sister, and she’s so nurturing at the library. She even converted a family conversation into an idea for saving my ranch. Always taking care of others, who’s taking care of her? Does she feel seen?

I’d love to be a space for her to shine as herself. I’d love to really see her in her element. Doing something that makes her. After what Justine said about her needing someone to draw her out of her shell, I knew how I could fit into her life. Finding inspiration from her shelves, I want her to know that I see her. Today is all about celebrating Jules.

Chapter Twelve


“We’re almost there. How about you put on the blindfold in the glove compartment?” Adriel says while exiting the freeway.

What is this boy up to?

I open his glove compartment to find a blindfold with kitty ears and laugh as I put it on. “How do I look?”


I love whatever this is already.

After another mile or so, he stops the car.

“Before you take off your blindfold, just know that I really want to get to know you. I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while now, but I knew I didn’t want to just take you to dinner and a movie. I really wanted to find something special for you, and so I found something I think you’ll like.”

Is he nervous? I would have been fine with a dinner and movie, but now I’m excited, and scared, by whatever’s waiting for me.

“You can take off your blindfold now.”

I slide off my kitty mask and gasp at the sight. I feel like I’m on display in a way I haven’t shared with anyone before, and I’m a little embarrassed by being so obvious about something I thought was hidden.