Then it’s just me and Javier. “I take it you haven’t talked to Luis about all of this yet?”

“No. I thought I’d tell you all at the same time when he comes home next month for our spring festival like he always does.”

“You didn’t see his recent headline?”

“No. Did his tour get extended? He’s not coming home, huh?” I’m always the last to know any news about Luis.

“No, Adriel. It looks like he’s on the verge of being cancelled. This might be his last tour from the sounds of the recent headlines. But you know he says that stuff’s all bullshit. Maybe we should reach out to him together after we’re done here. Tell him about your plan with Jules. You’re lucky you’ve got her.” He walks off before bringing the conversation to a proper close.

I like that he recognizes it’s her plan. She deserves all the credit.

All day long I think of things to add that Jules would like. A bookshelf, a hanging planter, and a kitchen island that people can cook around. She’s in every detail.

I’ve been a fucking idiot. She was absolutely right. She showed up when I needed to be hit with the truth, and I lashed out at her. I feel like shit. The only good thing is that I know exactly how I want to make it up to her. First, I need to ask Jackson for a favor.

“I was an idiot with Jules, and I know what I want to do to make it up to her, but I’ll need some help.”

“Say no more. I’ll be here as long as you need,” Jackson says.

Not that she wants it. Shoot, she might not even want me after today. But I hope my plan for making this up to her at least makes it hard to walk away.

Chapter Sixteen


After work, I pick up Ana from school and drop her off at the ranch and give her a big hug. I honestly don’t know when I’ll see her again. I don’t feel welcome here right now.

Everything’s a blur after that. Day after day of work, meals, and sleeping early bleed into one another.

I know Adriel is working nonstop on this week’s deadline for financial proof of long-term viability with these rentals for the bank, so I don’t even expect to see him.

Even though I can wrap my mind around a fight being just a fight with a loved one, his reaction still hurt, and he hasn’t made a lot of effort in healing it either.

Sure, he’s called and texted daily. He’s even come by every night with bouquets and boxes of flowers, and different meaningless gifts, but right now I’m not interested in apologies and promised nothings. I couldn’t handle so little from him right now. It’s almost like not seeing him lets me hold onto the magic of our meeting a little longer, even though a sad ending feels like it lies right outside of my grasp.

It just feels like he’d show up or do something more if he really cared. Calls and texts just aren’t going to cut it, and now that I’ve stood up to my worth to my parents, I refuse to bend past my will again.

“Get in the car,” Justine says.

“I’m not in the mood.”

“Something’s wrong with Ana. She texted me saying she’s home alone and I’m heading there now.”

I zip up my staying-at-home-onesie and slide on my sneakers before I have a moment to second guess what I look like and run down the stairs.

“Umm, you can have a minute to change your clothes sis. You look ridiculous in that cat onesie.”

“No. You said Ana asked for help. I don’t care what I look like. Let’s go,” I say with a little more heat than I mean to.

Justine raises her hands in defeat and follows me to the car.

While she’s driving, I assault her with questions.

“What happened?” I ask.

“I have no clue.”

“But when did she message me?”