We make our way around the corner, and I’m face to face with my best friends, and some of my brothers. Mateo came down from the mountain, and Javier is standing there in his chinos and polo as if he’ll be leaving to make a veterinary appointment soon. But still, he showed up. Only Luis is missing. Seeing the crew in front of us, I’m sure they tried contacting him, but he must be touring right now if he’s not here. Who am I kidding, he may not have even showed up if he lived down the street based on the last time we talked.

Of course, all my friends are here. Kenji must have taken the day off from his inn. Jackson must have dropped off Lola early today to be here before me. I don’t know how Brandon got time off from being the principal at school, so I imagine he’s playing hooky for whatever this is, and I didn’t know Luke was in town. He must be between filming projects right now.

Used to working with just my dad, since he’s barged his way into my work plans, now I’ve got a crew of guys I didn’t ask for.

I turn straight around and walk back to my cart having nothing good to say.

“Adriel, hold on. Let me explain,” Jules says.

I take a few steps more and then turn back to face her. “I didn’t ask for your help.”

She steps back at the shock of my words.

I feel the tears starting to burn behind my eyes, so I keep lashing out to keep them at bay. “Jules, I told you I got this. This is my burden. Didn’t you believe in me?”

They all have things going on. I promised myself I’d never ask them for anything else. She doesn’t know how much they’ve done for me already.

Keeping her distance, she says, “Adriel, I know it’s not easy for you to ask for help. It’s not the first thing you do when you’re in need, but you’ve got to know that I didn’t beg them. I didn’t coax them into being here. I called them and the second I told them what was happening, they told me they’d be here. They want to show up for you. They love you and want to support you just like I do.”

She pauses hearing her slip in practically admitting that she loves me in the middle of her calm response to my tirade. Because of my tantrum, my aversion to receiving help, I can’t even celebrate her confession the way I want to right now.

“I told them what was at stake because apparently you didn’t share that your family ranch is about to go under in two weeks.”

I can feel her gaining momentum. Putting her heel down and not letting up on the gas to the fire that’s burning within her. “Look around. It’s time to pull out all the stops to keep this land that you said you love. The land that you said was part of your soul. Don’t lose it now because of some deep-seated pride that isn’t going to replace this soil and your family’s generations of hard work when it’s gone. You working alone into the late hours is not going to cut it, Adriel.”

“If you knew I’d fail, why’d you encourage this idea? We’re not landlords, we’re ranchers. This is a mistake,” I say.

“It’s not a mistake, it’s just time we call on your community, so I did.”

This is too much. It’s all my deep-seated fears of thinking everyone around me will leave if I ask for too much. Just like Ana’s mom, my brother Luis. They knew me the best, once upon a time, and they had no problem walking away from me. How could I possibly put that burden on everyone here when I’ve already leaned on them too much. I must be near my limit with them. Jules must be at her limit now.

She’s never seen me upset, but I am. I didn’t ask for this, and it’s embarrassing that she told them my business. As much as she takes care of her sister and family, I can’t take care of mine. This is my failure. I’d rather fix it on my own.

Before I can mumble a response, she puts up her hand and says, “I need to go right now. I’m already late for work, and you have work to do with them.” Then she turns around and walks to her car and drives off.

She’s right. I’ve got work to do. I might as well face their pitying looks now and get on with it.

Every step I take away from Jules is another moment for the weight of my lashing out at her to crush my spirit. I know I need to apologize.

One crisis at a time.

I walk back to behind the barn and see everyone standing around my floorplans. They’re clearly giving me space to process what happened. How I made a fool of myself in front of everyone I love. To do what they came to do and get to work.

“We’ve split it up. With everyone here now,” Mateo pauses to lightly acknowledge my hissy fit. “I think we’ll be done with this cabin today and can get started on the framing for the next two buildings.” It sounds absurdly fast but considering how much experience my brothers have with constructing our homes on our land, and how much my dad and I have already done in the days that haven’t rained, I don’t doubt Mateo for a moment.

They start to move off in different directions, but I have to say something before I lose all their respect. I’ve never been a man of many words with them, but I can’t move on without saying something. Let’s see what comes out.

“Wait. Before you start, I just want to say thank you. You all know how bull headed I can get and having you all show up today really makes me feel like you believe in the plan I made with Jules to try to save this ranch.”

“Adriel, when will you get it into your thick skull that we’ve got your back no matter what. We would have been here on day one if you had said something,” Jackson says.

My friends each walk over to me and give me a hug and get to work.

Mateo and Javier linger around me after Jackson catches up to the guys. “This is our land too. This shouldn’t have been just on your shoulders.”

“I’m sorry. I know there’s a lot for you to contribute too. I just thought I had to come to you with a plan. I didn’t want you to worry.”

“No burden is lighter alone. Expect me here from sunrise to sunset until we’re done. We’re not losing this land.” Mateo moves away before I say anything else.