“Fuck him, you’re not going anywhere.” Dante pulled him up close.

"He's dangerous. You don't know the things he can do."


Vampire guards were surrounding the chalet. Dante held onto Skye, not wanting him to be far from him, and stepped out onto the terrace to face them. “Why are you here?” He demanded.

"The warlock has been traced to your beloved." One of the guards stepped forward. "Master DuCane demands that we bring him to the cells. He must be neutralized."

"Take a step closer, and I will kill you," Dante said with a cold distance that had the guard taking a half step back and reassessing his next move. "My beloved is going nowhere. The warlock contacted Skye with a spell and tried to influence him, but he is not here, and he is not with Skye."

“The Master wants him jailed.” The guard shouted.

"Try and take him, and it will be the last thing you do."

“You can’t kill us all.” He countered.

“I can kill you and the two standing behind you.” That had them all on edge, not sure what to do, not wanting to attack one of their own but not wanting to disobey the Master.

"Enough!" Ismael shouted and came walking forward through the men gathered there to stand before Dante. "Back up." He said over his shoulder to the guards, and they backed away, giving them space.

"It may be the warlock's influence, or it may be the warlock, but we cannot take the risk that such a creature has gained access to the coven," Ismael spoke, and his words were firm. "You know what the magics have done to us and to this area. The signs of the warlock have been traced to your beloved; the residue of his magic is all over him. He is marked and cannot walk free.”

Dante honored and respected both Ismael and the Master, but he could not hand Skye over to be locked up again in that place. He gripped Skye's hand tighter and pulled him closer. Thankfully, Skye followed his every lead and did not resist.

"We'll leave." He said, and Ismael shook his head.

"It's not safe for either of you out there with this warlock on the loose. We only want to secure Skye so he cannot be used as a conduit or entry point for the warlock." Ismael explained, and it made sense, but Dante could not allow them to take his beloved; he wouldn't allow it.

"Okay." Ismael looked around as if forming an idea and then turned his gaze to Dante. "I understand, I do, and I'd feel the same way if it were my own beloved, but we have to take precautions. There is more at stake here than just you and Skye." Dante could feel Skye trembling behind him, and the tension was rising.

"I don't mind Dante, I'll go with them, it's okay." He said, but Dante shook his head.

"No, you're not going anywhere," Ismael spoke to one of the guards, and he ran off toward the Palace. Dante did not hear the exchange, but he moved Skye back a few steps as they both drew closer to the terrace doors. It wasn't long before the guard returned and handed something to Ismael.

"Put these on him." He told him. "One on each wrist, they will prevent magic from being used on him or by him. It's a protection for all of us, including him." Ismael handed him the two gold bracelets. "They won't bother him, and they can be easily removed when this is over."

“Put them on me, Dante I don’t want Adam to be able to use me. I don’t want him to hurt anyone on my account.” Dante knew in that moment that Skye would not be free until Adam was dead. Running and hiding was not his way, he faced problems and he dealt with them. He needed to force Adam out into the open, coerce him into making a move and then finish him.

Dante trained his gaze on Ismael who, as the consummate leader he was, easily read his thoughts and took appropriate action by calling the guards to withdraw. Skye moved closer to him, nearly pressing himself to Dante’s back. “I’m scared.” He whispered. Dante channeled his peace and calm through their bond and felt relief as it touched Skye.

The guards and Ismael moved steadily backward, not fast, but gave the impression of leaving while Dante opened the terrace doors and led his beloved inside. He held him fast, kept his eyes on the activity outside, and waited. They were setting the trap. He regretted not being able to share his plan with Skye, but the warlock had access to him and would, therefore, have access to their discussion.

“Just hand me over to them Dante this isn’t worth your job and your reputation.” Skye pleaded with him.

"You're not going back there, Skye. I can protect you."

“I trust you but please Dante don’t give up everything for me.” His plea was heartfelt and pure, and Dante felt the love he had for Skye grow and expand it was such a rush. A feeling like nothing else so intense and profound. He pulled him in for a full body hug needing contact with his most adored.

“We’re leaving.” He said and released Skye. “They’ll bring around a vehicle for us and when they do, I want you to get into the back seat and get down on the floor and do it as fast as you can.”

"I don't want you to do this, Dante, but I will do as you ask." The pain in his face was so clear he doubted the plan but would not go against him.

The guards were gone and the view through the terrace doors was clear. He had no intention of leaving and Ismael was not calling for a car, but the warlock needed to believe that was true. Dante reached over and unlocked the door and propped it open.

"Be ready when the car arrives. Follow me." Dante said, and Skye nodded. Then his expression changed, and he clutched the sides of his head as he bent forward.

“He’s in my head, Dante.” He cried.