“You’re okay, my love the car is coming.” Dante knew what was coming and he saw him the moment he cleared the hedge at the edge of the walkway. The warlock had latched onto Skye and used him as the means to transport himself there. Dante held his location even as he ached to comfort his beloved. It had to be this way. The warlock had to believe it.

Dante took a step back as Adam approached the doors. Skye did not see him until he was in the doorway. "Skye, it's so good to see you. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to kill you, and then I'm going to kill your vampire lover. It's a full day for sure, but I know you'll make it pleasurable." In an instant, Skye leaped at the warlock without a word or hesitation, something that neither Dante nor Adam, the warlock, had anticipated.

He took him to the floor and flailed his head and shoulders with sharp punches. Adam knocked him off with a bolt of power, sending him to skid across the tile floor. "Just for that, I'm going to make it so painful; even your dead grandmother will feel it." Adam moved toward Skye, and all hell broke loose.

Dante stepped out of the shadows and slapped the bracelet on his left hand, the one that appeared to be his dominant. It knocked him off balance for a second, but he scrambled to use everything in his skill set to try and remove it. Dante backhanded him, knocking him backward onto the floor, where he straddled him and clapped on the other bracelet.

In the back of his mind, Dante was hoping the charmed bracelets were as powerful as they claimed. The warlock squirmed and called out for his minions, but they were in a heated battle with Ismael and the guards who had never left the area.

"Too late, warlock. Your powers are hobbled, and your army is dead." Dante grabbed him by his vestments and pulled him to his feet. "I, too, have a rather full day, but I promise to make your death painful and slow. I'm certain you will enjoy it." Dante pushed him back away from him, putting a few feet between him, and pulled a sword from under his jacket. Dante saw him glance over at Skye, but to no avail. Skye moved back and away from what was taking place. He saw and felt the trust Skye was sending to him, and it was all he needed.

“I have no defenses.” The warlock cried. “You cannot kill me in cold blood. You’re a coven soldier, a beacon of honor and respectability. You would not kill me like this.” The warlock was calculating but he had severely miscalculated both Dante’s honor and his respectability. The Master had him working alone and in the field for a reason and that reason being he did the things that had to be done that no one else would do.

The warlock tested the bracelets again and reached beneath his vestments, but before he could grab whatever he intended to grab, Dante swung the sword in a perfect arch, swift and precise, taking Adam's head off at the shoulders clean and easy. His shock was obvious and satisfying. As the head rolled away toward the door, his body fell to the floor, and Dante stepped forward, thrusting the sword through his heart so powerfully that the tip of the sword cracked the tile beneath.

Skye was so afraid that Dante was going to get killed or banished all because of him, and he tried to offer himself up, but he refused all attempts. The scene was his nightmare come to life and he had no idea how to fix anything, so he decided to trust Dante and do as he had asked.

It all became clear when Adam entered, and Dante shifted to remain in the shadows. Skye knew then that a plan was in place and all he had to do was stay out of the way and he fully intended upon doing just that until Adam spouted his boastful threats. Jumping him and wailing on him was sort of like an out of body experience but the jolt that sent him across the room brought him back to reality quite fast. Thankfully it did not seem to bother Dante or his plan.

He watched Dante perform like the entire act was choreographed. He was not touched by anything the warlock had to say, and his presence was of no importance to Dante. It was the first time that Skye saw Adam as the weak coward he really was beneath the cheap powers he had taken from others.

"He was more show than substance, it would seem," Dante commented while he pulled his sword from the man's chest and wiped it clean with the vestments. He raised his arm and signaled Skye to come to him, which he did immediately.

"No more fear, no more looking over my shoulder. They are dead; all of them are dead." Skye stated wanting to make sure it was as it seemed.

"They are dead, and you are free, completely free." Dante enforced, and Skye let out a sigh of relief that was so powerful his body shook.

“Thank you, Dante for coming into my life and cleaning up the mess.” Dante lifted Skye’s face up to him and kissed him so lovingly like he was the precious thing alive, and Skye lost himself in the love and the freedom it gave him.

"I love you, Skye, and I always will." He said with a half grin and a light in his eyes. The dark man from the shadows who observed and analyzed a vampire with abilities that should scare the hell out of Skye became his champion and the love of his life.

“I love you too.”

"His men are dead, and I have teams patrolling the grounds looking for any others, but I think we have them all," Ismael said as he entered the doorway and glanced down at the body and the head lying at his feet.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that and the rest of them a good ritual blaze in the back garden will purify everything.” He motioned for a few of the guards to come in and dispose of the remains. “Why don’t you and Skye go back to the Palace get cleaned up and have dinner and relax. I’m sure that Master DuCane will want to speak with you later but for now relax and enjoy one another.”

"Thank you for helping me and thank you for believing in me." Dante owed him for without Ismaels assistance this day could have gone all kinds of wrong.

"Go, have a good evening." He said and returned to the men outside. Dante led his beloved out the front door, and they made their way back to the Palace.

“I can’t stay here Dante it wouldn’t be fair to Ezra. I doubt having me around would add to the peace and quiet of his homelife.” Skye was as astute as he was gorgeous.

"He said to tell you he's sorry for accusing you, and I do believe he is struggling to get over the traumas of his past, but I agree staying wouldn't be a good idea."

"What do you have planned? This is your home, your coven, your people."

"You are my people and the only one who matters to me. I was wondering if you were still of the mind to go north and check out the wilds of the upper peninsula." Dante had been there many times, clearing rogues and settling disputes on behalf of Master DuCane, so he was familiar with the area.

“I’m sure Master DuCane would be on board with having someone located there permanently. He’s been wanting to clear that territory and settle it for a while so now might be the time.” He was confident that the Master would agree.

“It’s a wild territory but good people in general. I think you will like it.”

“If you’re there, I will love it.”

Dante was eager to get his beloved back to his quarters and to get reintroduced. It's been too long since he held that hard satin body in his arms and felt that velvety channel milk his cock. The more he thought, the hotter he became. Skye was in a hurry as well, so his mind was traveling in the same direction.

The minute they entered the apartment, they started shedding their clothes, kissing, and stumbling toward the bedroom. "I want to be inside you so badly my cock is about to explode."