“Ismael is putting together a team to go to Scottsboro.” Graves let him know. “I’ve asked to be part of that team.”

"I'd like to join you, but I can't leave my beloved. He is too vulnerable right now." Dante would like nothing more than to kill a few magics in Scottsboro, but Skye needs him, and honestly, he needs Skye. The thought of walking away, even for a day,w is unthinkable and impossible.

“Your bond is too fresh your beloved needs you here with him and I doubt your vampire would allow you to leave even if you wanted to.” Graves laughed and took a sip of his whiskey.

"Find the one called Adam and make him hurt," Dante stated coldly.

“I’ll find him, and I’ll make him hurt.” Graves pledged with a raise of his glass.

“Keep me posted.”

"Will do." Suddenly, their attention was drawn to the top of the stairs.

“Dante, are you there?” It was Skye and Dante was instantly on his feet. Grave finished his drink and said his goodbyes slipping out and closing the door behind him.

“I’m here sweetheart.” Dante stood at the foot of the stairs and looked up at him. “Why are you up my love, you should be resting.” He started up the stairs.

"I didn't know where I was, and then I heard voices." Skye sounded so young and unsure that it touched Dante, which made him reach out and pull him into his arms to steady and reassure him.

"You have nothing to worry about, and I will not leave you." He turned with Skye under his arm and started walking back to the bedroom.

"Where are we? What is this place?"

“The Master had several private homes built on the coven grounds hidden within the gardens. There are cottages and chalets, and we are staying in one of the chalets. It’s private, like I said, and provides more peace and comfort than the Palace. I thought you’d like to recover here.”

"It's lovely, but it's you who gives me peace and comfort. I don't mean to burden you with my emotions or sentimentalities, but there is something about you that makes me feel safe. I know it sounds crazy, but that's how I feel. I hope you're not just playing with me, Dante." Skye was reacting to the bond and the growing connection between them but did not understand the basis. It was something Dante would need to explain soon.

“This is not a game Skye.” He didn’t want to go any deeper or explain any further at this time. Skye needed to rest because Dante had a lot to explain, and he wanted Skye clear headed and ready to listen. He walked him back to the bedroom and once again helped him into bed and tucked him in.

“Don’t go.” He said. "Stay with me, please." That was a request Dante could not refuse, nor did he wish to. It might be due to the fact that Skye was so exhausted that his desire was overriding his reservations, but either way, Dante was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He removed his jacket and hung it on the back of a chair along with his tie. Then, he sat down to remove his boots. He wasn't going to strip down too far, but he wanted to be comfortable.

Skye reached for him the moment he stretched out beside him, wrapping his arm around him and placing his head on Dante's shoulder. No words were uttered, just a satisfied sigh, and soon, the sounds of his beloved were fast asleep.


"I want to apologize to Skye," Ezra said as he and Louis sat together on their balcony under the moonlight.

"It's not necessary. You did nothing wrong." Louis refuted.

“I complicated his life, and I had no right to.”

“You were protecting yourself and your people.” Louis again countered.

“I overreacted.” Ezra rejected any hint at a noble cause.

“If it is something that you feel you must do then I will support you but do not feel guilty for simply reacting to your trauma. Besides I believe it was all part of Fate’s plan.” Louis smiled down at his sweet beloved where he rested in his arms.

“What do you mean?” Ezra was intrigued.

“Skye is Dante Heller’s beloved.” That announcement brought a huge smile to Ezra’s face.

“I’m so happy for him.” He gushed.

"For whom, Skye or Dante?" Louis teased.

“Both but more Skye since he needs someone in his corner so badly just like I did.” He stretched and placed a kiss to Louis’ jaw. “I love you Louis more than life you saved me, and Dante will save Skye.”

"You saved me too, my love, in so many ways." Louis kissed him thoroughly and stood up, carrying his beloved inside.