Skye had been awake for a while but kept still not wanting to disturb Dante. Resting on his shoulder and being held the way he was felt like pure paradise, and he never wanted to move. He was kidding himself that there was really anything between them apart from maybe a little compassion, but this felt like more, and it gave him happiness so he would hold on for as long as it lasted.

The sound of his breathing and the beat of his heart were comforting that Skye had never known. His arm holding him snug allowed him to feel a sense of security and importance. “Thank you for staying with me.” Dante was awake but like him was trying not to disturb him.

"It was my pleasure, my love," Dante responded in a tone that was close to dreamy, and Skye ate it up.

“Why do you call me that?”

“You are my love, and my sweetheart and my darling.” Dante turned and placed a hard kiss to Skye’s forehead.

“Sure, I have that effect on a lot of people.” Skye laughed sarcastically.

“I wouldn’t doubt it but the effect you have on me is eternal and soul stirring. It is unlike anything experienced by another. Our bond is fated and written upon the face of the universe. We are meant to be.” That was so much that Skye had nothing to say. He moved up onto his elbow and looked down into Dante’s face seeing warmth and a lightness that was new.

"What's happening here, Dante?" Skye squinted suspiciously.

“How much do you know about the vampire culture?”

"Not much. I made a point of not listening and zoning out when the vampires were around. They were a hateful lot." Skye wasn't sure what he was trying to say.

“Did you not have any contact with the Hadden vampires when you lived in Pittsburgh?” Dante sat up with his back against the headboard and pulled Skye into his arms.

"They never had contact with the kindred. Like you lot, they hated magics."

“We hate the pain and suffering that seems to follow the magics. Nothing good has ever come from a witches' coven or a magical kindred. They hunger for power and will do anything to get it. Has there ever been a good witch or sorcerer?" Skye loved the way he trailed his fingers up and down Skye's back, gently sensitizing his flesh.

"I met Master Hadden's beloved once; his name was Walker Hall. He's an auto mechanic, believe it or not, and I brought Adam's car in to be serviced at an upscale garage, and there he was." Skye was surprised that Master Hadden allowed him to be out in public in such a way since the dangers in Pittsburgh were well known.

“He had plenty of bodyguards who were giving me the hairy eyeball throughout, but still there was Walker Hall working on the cars. He was very kind to me even though he knew I was connected to the local kindred.”

“Do you understand what a beloved is to a vampire?” Dante asked.

"The first time I asked about it, the whole thing struck me as rather mystical. The predestined part and recognizing each other by sight and scent was sort of odd, but then I witnessed beloveds together, and the bond was clear, and the relationship was beautiful even the little bit that I observed." Skye had been jealous of them and wished that such a relationship could be his.

"Who did you witness? Was it the Master and Walker?"

"No, I saw his second in command, Josef McQueen, and his beloved Isaac, and they were absolutely lovely to one another. If that is what you get with a beloved, then sign me up." Skye chuckled, and Dante hugged him closer.

“I’m glad to hear you say that.” Dante stated and Skye turned to regard him squarely. He couldn’t mean what he thought he meant so Skye just stayed silent and stared at that handsome face with those deep, dark mysterious eyes. Dante was a gorgeous man there was no two ways about it the man was without parallel in the looks department.

"We recognize our beloveds by sight and scent, but the first time I saw you, you were wearing a blindfold, and I didn't get close enough to scent you in the beginning. I found you intriguing and very attractive even without seeing your face." Dante unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from the waistband of his pants, loosening it and making it more comfortable. Skye could not resist slipping his hand inside to run his palm over the heated flesh of his firm chest.

"When I got closer, I felt something when your sweet scent reached me. It was more than casual. It was calling me. I removed your blindfold, and all became clear to me. You are my beloved Skye."

"Why didn't you say anything to me?" Skye was not sure how to take the fact that until now, Dante had kept it a secret.

"Shared it with my Master, but you were ready to accept such a declaration from someone like me. You do not like vampires, and I wasn't completely sure as to your innocence in regard to Ezra and your connection to the Scottsboro kindred." Dante said it as if it were not important, but Skye heard that he didn't trust him.

“I thought the bond brought with it trust. I thought that was the first thing that a new pair experienced.”

“Did you trust me?” He had him there because that was a firm no. Skye shook his head.

“We both felt it and knew there was more, and we pushed for it. I reached out to you, and you reached out to me; it's how Fate designed it."

“And now we’re here but what does it mean for me and for you? I’m still the warlock’s apprentice and you’re a palace guard how is that ever going to work?” Skye realized he sounded pathetic, but this was news he’d never considered receiving so he was allowed to be pathetic and whiny because the chances of it working out were slim to none.

Dante was thrilled when Skye came across as quite informed about the basics of vampire culture, and his understanding of beloved was sufficient for Dante to build upon. This was going to be easier than he'd thought, but then the conversation took a turn, and details started to get in the way of his own belief of just going for it, taking it as it comes, and loving every minute.

Of course, his beloved would be worried about his sincerity and the lifespan of the relationship between them. He was human, abused, and limited since the age of twelve, with few, if any, good things in his life. How was he to believe the seeming fairytale of a happily ever after, especially with someone like him.