"No sizes were included, but it did cover some of your likes and dislikes, so hopefully, the offering in the kitchen is to your liking." Dante put his arm around Skye's shoulders, loving how he fit so well against his side, and they made their way to the kitchen.

They enjoyed breakfast on the terrace overlooking the gardens, it was a peace that was appreciated. Skye ate like he hadn’t had a good meal in a long time and Dante chastised himself for not getting him something sooner.

He was new at this relationship stuff, so it was going to take him a while to catch up and get used to it. Love, safety, sustenance, and comfort were the things his beloved needed and he would provide. His lover would want for nothing.

"I heard you on the phone earlier." Skye broached the subject clearly, knowing he'd be inquiring about Scottsboro.

"You want to know about Scottsboro?" Dante put it out there; there is no need to dance around the subject.

“Yes.” Skye did not hesitate.

"They have eliminated the kindred, but Adam and a few of his followers escaped." Dante wasn't sure if he wanted to say more but then decided it was best that his beloved be prepared and be wary. "They have a tracker on him, and they believe he is heading north, so it is imperative that you stay close and don't wander off by yourself. The coven grounds are generally safe, but I don't trust magic."

Skye nodded and took a sip of his juice. “I figured he’d try something if he weren’t stopped. It’s not like he cares it’s more of how it looks to his peers if he allows me to get away without some manner of punishment.” Skye finished his breakfast and sat back in his chair looking out over the garden and then he turned to look at Dante.

“Adam is powerful he has spells and abilities that he has stolen or bartered for that set him apart from the usual magic.” Skye was sounding less confident as fear began to sneak into his tone.

"He is nothing," Dante stated and finished his coffee.

“I’ve seen what he can do, what he is capable of.” Skye’s fear was ratcheting.

“Don’t fear him, Skye don’t give him that power over you.” That statement seemed to reach him, and Skye shook his head and took a deep breath.

“It’s been too many years that I had to calibrate my life and my existence to his ever-changing moods and it’s hard to let go.” He took several deep, cleansing breaths. Dante reached out with his mind and touched Skye giving him strength and the fortitude to resist the freefall into past anxieties.

“I’m okay.” He said with a weak smile. “Hearing that he’s heading north just made me panic for a moment.”

"Understandable, but don't feed into it. Reach out to me and our bond, and I will give you what you need."

“I will.”

Skye was amazed at Dante’s influence and how he could actually feel the man’s gentle persuasion and overwhelming support. He was not used to leaning on anyone but then Dante was not used to caring so they were quite a pair. He looked across the table at his lover and wondered how he’d gotten so lucky and wondered what their life together would be like.

"It's going to be wonderful," Dante stated and winked at him.

“Did you read my mind?” Skye was embarrassed at the way his voice rose on the last syllable.

“Not exactly but I can read your emotions and discern the rest.” Skye was loving the casual banter and the ease he felt being with Dante. The man was fast becoming very important to him and according to legend, it will only get better.

"Better and better," Dante said in a dry tone but with a light in his eyes.

“You’re too much.”

“Just enough.” Skye laughed and tossed a napkin at him and just then Dante’s phone rang. He checked it and took the call. Skye had half expected him to stand and walk away for privacy reasons, but he didn’t, he took the call and Skye listened and it was volatile.

“Where? How close to the coven? How long ago?” Dante was on his feet and motioning Skye inside the chalet. He quickly closed the French doors and locked them. He watched as Dante secured all the exits and windows. He kept Skye with him going from room to room and then ended up back in the dining room that led to the terrace.

“Is he close by?” Skye asked.

“His trail leads to this area but not the coven . . . yet.” Dante prepared himself mentally for whatever was coming. He was calm and focused, and Skye could see the soldier in him coming out.

Dante turned away from the doors and looked at him squarely. "I'm more than a soldier, honey, I'm a specialist in my field, and I promise you that I will keep you safe." Skye nodded and took a step back against the wall, staying out of sight but not too far from Dante.

They stayed like that for nearly an hour, and suddenly, Skye felt a presence pressing in on him. It was oppressive and terrifyingly familiar. "Hello, Skye." Came the voice he hoped never to hear again. It was in his mind, and trying as he did to push it out, it would not release. "Come outside, Skye, let me see you. Don't make me hurt all these people just to get to you. You always were selfish and self-centered, but I thought this handsome man guarding you might be worth you sacrificing yourself." He continued to taunt and threaten, and pretty soon, he opened his eyes and saw Dante holding him by the shoulders. He looked into Skye's eyes, saw the turmoil, and forced out the voice, replacing it with his own gentle words.

“You’re fine Skye, resist don’t listen he is not here he is not real.” Dante held him until he was calm enough to stand on his own.

"He is here, Dante and he's going to hurt you if I don't go to him."