Oh yeah.
“Yes. But one question. You aren’t moving to the other side of the country, are you?” I probably should’ve asked that question first but the conversation had gotten slightly derailed by his confession.
Relief shot through me when he shook his head. “No, the other side of town. Kind of. It’s not too far, though. Just a tiny bit far.”
That was better than I’d feared even if I wasn’t sure what a tiny bit far meant. Driving for a living gave me a skewed version of that on a good day, so I wasn’t even going to begin to guess what he meant.
“That’s fine, then.” That was very reasonable. “Alright, how about I come by about six and we go out to dinner?”
“And get cookies?” Something about the way he was looking at me shifted, and I had a feeling this was his not always a good grown-up side that he’d talked about. “I mean, you said they had good cookies?”
So he was doing his best to be what he thought was a good grown-up?
This was slightly confusing.
“Yes, cookies and they even have big chicken tenders.” Delight flashed in his eyes as his favorite foods were dangled in front of his face. “They have homemade fries too.”
Ha, whatever I was supposed to be doing here, food bribery was the right way to start.
Addison was nearly vibrating with energy as he nodded. “Yes, that sounds very good. Six o’clock and then I’ll show you my pretty dresses. Oh, I have to go make sure they’re clean. I have to…”
He looked around between me and the food on the floor and deeper into the house where I assumed the dresses were hanging somewhere. “I have to get ready. I have to pick up my toys.”
Oh, I had so many questions.
“Alright, I have to finish work and you have to get ready.” Resisting the urge to kiss his cheek or even just take his hand, I stepped back. “I’ll see you in a few hours. Okay?”
I got a whirlwind of movement from the fascinating man as he nodded and picked up his food, swinging it around again. “Yes. I’ll get ready.”
Then he ran back into the house without saying goodbye or closing the door.
I still wasn’t sure what my role in anything he’d talked about would be but I had a feeling it probably related to him needing a keeper in some form or fashion. Well, for the time being, closing the door and heading back to work was all I could do to help the slightly scatterbrained cutie.
That seemed like enough for now, though.
Okay, I had most of it right.
The toys and playing dress-up all matched up with what he’d said about being little, but if he was little, according to the internet that meant he was more than likely looking for a Daddy.
When I’d asked the universe to help me find a new passion in life, this hadn’t been what I’d pictured…but my mother had always said be careful what you wish for.
Somehow, I’d wished for Addison.
“Alright, this isn’t hard.” It just wasn’t what I’d expected. “He plays. I take care of him during playtime. I tell him I like his pretty dresses.”
This wasn’t rocket science and actually seemed like the easiest thing he could’ve been into based on the other things that were coming up in the search results.
“It’s fun for him and probably a stress reliever. He gets to eat kid foods without feeling guilty.” It really explained his ordering choices and why I had to push him to eat vegetables. “Oh, that’s what a Daddy would’ve done.”
Had I been sending him mixed signals or the right ones?
“No wonder he was so confused about asking me out.” Had he thought he’d been obvious? “No, he’d realized that he needed to explain what he meant, so my being new at this should not be a surprise.”
Taking a deep breath, I set my phone down and told myself to finish getting ready. The research on Daddies and littles looked endless but I’d gotten enough information for our date. I just hoped he didn’t mind the countless questions I knew I’d need to ask.
Like how little was little and what were the right pronouns I should’ve been using.
By the time I got to his house again, I realized I should’ve been writing my questions down. “I really hope he’s not expecting a knowledgeable Dom who knows what he’s doing.”
Based on what I’d read online, I might be able to pull off cuddly Daddy, but that was about it until there’d been more research and a long conversation or two.
“Addison is chatty, so talking about what he needs shouldn’t be a problem.” Hopefully. “Yes, it’s going to be fine. It’s just a first date with someone I’ve known casually for a while.”
There’d just been a few surprises.