But as I pulled up in front of his house and saw him peeking out the window like he was waiting for me to beat him to the doorbell, I couldn’t help smiling and feeling like everything would be alright. Sure, I might not know what being a Daddy really meant, but I knew how to make Addison smile.
So I rushed to the door, doing my best to let him get there a second before me. His eyes were sparkling with laughter as he opened the door, giggling and looking sexy as fuck in tight dark jeans and a sweater that looked so soft it was begging to be touched.
“You beat me.” That had him grinning even wider as he went back to his bouncing rock that he did when he was very excited—and since this time I got it without bringing cookies, I could only assume it was for me.
“I was fast.” His cheeks pinked as he seemed to do his best to stop his wiggling. “And maybe stalking the window. I’m sorry.”
It took me a moment to realize what he might be apologizing for since it couldn’t be for winning the race I made sure he always won.
“For being excited?” I gave him a mock frown as he nodded seriously, looking sheepish. “You don’t have to apologize for being excited to see me. I bring you cookies and chicken nuggets. I’d be shocked if you weren’t excited.”
That got a giggle from him as he gestured toward me and shook his head. “But you don’t have any goodies now.”
“That’s because I’m taking you to go get the goodies. That’s even more exciting.” As I teased him, his smile came back, beaming and confident again.
From what I’d read, it seemed like he got nervous when he assumed he’d done something that wasn’t what he thought a grown-up should be doing. That made sense on some level but I didn’t want him to think he had to constantly be apologizing for being himself.
I just wasn’t sure how to explain that.
“It is.” Addison took a deep breath and stopped most of his rocking. “I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You won’t.” There was a list of things I didn’t understand but nothing I’d seen online had made me uncomfortable in the way he seemed to mean. “I want to get to know you better, not the you that you think I want to see.”
That got a sigh that sounded slightly dramatic, so I shook my head. “Nope. No theatrics, or no cookies.”
His eyes went wide as surprise flashed over his face. “That’s a very Daddy thing to say.”
Well, at least I’d gotten that right, then.
“I know.” Doing my best to look confident, I raised one eyebrow and held out my elbow. “Shall we go?”
And the rocking was back.
“Yes.” His eager nod and excited gaze were accompanied by a deep breath as he stepped closer and looped his arm through mine, so nervous but hopeful?
It seemed like we were both on the same page for now…I just hoped that page eventually came with more instructions.
Chapter 3
Did he know he was a Daddy or had he just known that was what Daddies did?
He was making rules and he’d even frowned when I told him about spending too much money on my pretty dress. They were both very Daddy things to do even if he was a sweet one and didn’t say I should be punished for not staying within my budget.
He’d even said I wouldn’t get goodies if I was theatrical.
Tate knew me too well.
And he seemed to know I was overthinking everything because he kept peeking over his menu and smiling like he thought I was being silly and cute.
At least I wasn’t annoying him?
“Has anything else caught your eye or are you going to get chicken strips?” It felt almost like a date question until he grinned like he was being silly. “They have lots of sauces for dipping.”
Oh, that was another Daddy thing too.
“Yes, I still want the chicken strips.” The restaurant seemed to do fancier homemade versions of things that might be just fun and prepacked anywhere else. They had fancy mac-n-cheese and a special spaghetti that looked like it would’ve come out of a can.
Tate found the best restaurant ever.
And they had cookies just like he said…that came with milk to dunk them in.
“But I can’t pick a sauce.” There were hundreds and hundreds of options. Well, at least ten and that was too many. “I don’t think I need all of them.”
Maybe I did?
It was hard to tell.
Tate gave a very Daddy chuckle as he set his menu down on the table and looked extra thoughtful. “Ranch and barbecue. You’re going to say you want honey mustard but you won’t eat it.”
Daddy Tate was magic.
As I gaped at his mindreading powers, he looked very pleased with himself. “You are very chatty on chicken nugget days.”