Page 103 of Take My Hand

She types away on her phone for a few minutes before letting me know she got us on a red eye to Pittsburgh that leaves in two hours, so we should get going.

We make our way downstairs, and she shuts off all the lights, sets the security system, and pulls me over to her car. When I try to get in the driver’s seat, she puts a hand on my chest to stop me.

“Let me drive, okay?”

I acquiesce and she gives me a gentle kiss before getting in.

The drive to the airport is quiet, only the low thrum of music wafting through the speakers. When we pull into the parking garage and grab the bag from the trunk, Carter hands me one of my favorite black beanies and oversized hoodies.

It’s definitely too hot for them, but from the look she gives me, I know she brought them so it’s easier for me to stay under the radar. The thoughtfulness of it sends a punch right to the center of my chest and I pull her in for a hug, just holding her and needing her strength.

She wraps her arms around me, burying her face in my neck. I’m not sure how long we stay like that, but eventually she pulls away and guides us into the airport. Security isn’t too busy and we find our gate quickly. Carter scopes out a couple of seats near a window and snatches them up for us while we wait until it’s time to board.

It isn’t until we’re seated on the plane and the flight attendants have done their final check that the fog has lifted and the full weight of everything that has happened crashes in.

I check the text thread again, even though I’ve already read the messages multiple times.

Will is in the hospital, doing alright but they’re pumping his stomach, waiting for him to wake up to figure out exactly what happened, and no one is sure how long he was passed out before someone found him.

What the hell happened?

Will’s been distant lately, but I didn’t think it was this bad. Guilt eats away my stomach, thinking about everything more I could’ve done. I've been so wrapped up in the bullshit with the guys, getting through these last shows, spending time with Carter…all this time I should’ve been pushing him harder to talk to me. I should’ve flown out to spend some time with him and see him face-to-face.

“It’s not your fault,” Carter says, laying her head on my shoulder and pulling my hand into her lap as if she can read my mind.

I sigh and lean my head back, staring at the white ceiling of the plane. “I should’ve gone to see him this summer.”

“Don’t waste your energy on ‘should’ve done this’ or ‘could’ve done that’. You’re on your way now and that’s all you can do.”

Her thumb swipes back and forth over my hand.

“Thank you for coming with me. And for taking over and getting us here.” She didn’t even bat an eye when I started to retreat into my head with worry and was rendered motionless. Without me needing to ask, without me needing to do anything, she got us packed, dressed, booked on a flight, and out of the house within half an hour of getting the phone call from Lucas.

I kiss the top of her head and lay my own over hers, settling in for the long flight.

“You don’t have to thank me for that. I wouldn’t be anywhere else right now.”

The sterile smell of the hospital burns my nose the moment we step through the sliding doors. Carter’s hand tightens in my own as we beeline for the nurses’ station.

“We’re looking for room 1016. Can you point us in the right direction, please?” I say.

When we landed a while ago and turned my phone back on, I was flooded with texts that Will was awake and doing alright, but he was refusing to talk to anyone. Carter and I hopped in a car and came straight to the hospital. The nurse gives directions, and we’re walking down hallway after hallway until we finally find my brother’s room.

Pushing the door open slowly, I peek around it and see my mom slumped over in a folding chair, head resting on her hand. My dad is propped up against the wall in another chair on the opposite side of the room, closer to the bed that Will is lying in.

Will’s black hair hangs over his forehead and his skin looks clammy and pale, with heavy purple circles under his eyes.

Carter and I take a few steps into the room before my mom stirs, blinking the sleep away from her eyes before they lock onto me. She jumps out of her chair, sending it scraping against the floor which rouses my dad, and crosses the few feet between us to pull me into her arms.

“My boy,” she says against my neck as she hugs me.

“Hi, Mom.” I plant a kiss on her cheek as I pull back and finally get a good look at her.

She looks older than the last time I saw her. The lines around her eyes are more defined, a few more gray hairs mixed in the dark color that matches my own.

It hasn’t been that long since I’ve seen her, so it must be the toll of last night that’s aging her right in front of me.

My dad steps up beside me and pats me on the back before pulling me in for a hug as well.