He curses as his speed picks up and he rubs quick, hard circles over my clit.
“Not until you do first,” he says, and it doesn’t take long until that familiar knot twists at the base of my spine and explodes throughout my body.
He has completely ripped me apart and stitched me back together, testing my limits and cradling my trust with such tender and wicked hands.
“Hayden,” I cry out, the tremors of my orgasm soaring through me.
“That’s it. Look at you coming with my cock in your ass. You like being taken this way? Dirty, filthy girl.”
He thrusts in once, twice, and then stills above me, his own orgasm catching up to him and twisting his face in beautiful rapture.
My entire body goes limp with exhaustion as he pulls out of me, only slightly stinging at his action. I allow my eyes to fall closed as I hear him walk toward the bathroom before he returns with a warm cloth and cleans me up.
Once he’s done, he unties each of my ankles, squeezing my legs and bringing my muscles back to life. He then comes around the side of the bed and unties my hands, repeating the same massage to my wrists and shoulders as he gently nudges me to lie on my side and crawls into bed behind me. He plants a tender kiss to my forehead before laying his head on the pillow with me.
“I think you found something about yourself today,” he says.
“That you like being fucked in the ass,” he whispers and his words send tingles down my exhausted limbs.
I moan in agreement and he laughs softly, pulling my back to his chest and folding his arms around me. I love the roughness with which he just took me and the softness with which he now holds me. Hard and soft, aggressive and sweet, wild and calm. The mix constantly keeps me on my toes but yet I’ve never felt more at ease with someone in my entire life.
My eyes drift closed and just as I feel the pull of sleep tugging at me, Hayden’s phone buzzes for the third time on his nightstand. He’s sent it to voicemail twice, but clearly whoever it is needs to get ahold of him.
“Just answer it,” I mutter into the pillow.
He sighs heavily and rolls over, cool air hitting my back at his absence.
“Yeah?” he answers the phone, irritated.
He’s quiet for a few moments, listening to whoever is on the other end, until I feel him jolt up behind me.
“When was this?” he asks, and I roll over.
“Everything okay?” I mouth silently as he turns panicked eyes to me. I adjust myself into a sitting position, on high alert at the look on his face. Pale, he listens to the person on the other line.
“Okay. Yeah, uh—” He jumps out of bed and takes a few steps back and forth across the room, like he’s not quite sure what he needs to do first but just that he needs to be in action.
“We’ll be there soon. I’ll figure it out. Keep me updated.” He hangs up and drops his phone on the bed, running his hands through his hair, looking both crazed and slightly ill.
“What’s wrong?”
“My brother’s in the hospital. They think he tried to overdose.”
Everything has been in slow motion since Lucas called and told me that Will is in the hospital, getting his stomach pumped after he was found passed out by one of his roommates.
I barely register the warm spray of the shower as Carter pulls me in and washes us both as quickly as possible.
She tells me to pack a bag, and I do, but I’m on autopilot as I grab a few sets of clothes and shove them in a duffle. Then she adds in a few extra pairs of sweatpants and T-shirts of mine for herself.
“Which airport should we fly into?” she asks me softly as I sit on the edge of the bed, mind racing with images of my baby brother passed out on the floor of his room, covered in his own vomit.
I tell her, but my words sound far away.