Page 74 of The Billionaire Orc

“Is that why he brought you here?”

Shona nodded. “I think he has been planning this for a long time. I used to be engaged to him years ago, but I broke it off, and now…”

“Oh, ma’am, if I’d known he was that bad I would never have agreed to work for him. But the pay was so good, three times more than I could get in Motham. I thought I could save to get an education…” The girl covered her eyes and burst into tears.

“Oh no, oh Zoe, I understand. Don’t feel bad, you weren’t to know. He’s very charming, he could make dirt appear to be gold. But if you can find it in your heart to help me, I promise I will do all I can to help you with your education.”

Zoe nodded, drying her eyes with her apron. “I will do my best. But how?”

“When you go back to Motham today I need you to stop off at my parents’ deli, the one with the fantastic pies, remember?”

Zoe nodded again, pleating the edge her apron in her fingers anxiously.

“Either Mom or Dad will serve you. Dad’s tall and fair with a beard, Mom has dark hair and glasses. Tell them what’s happened and where I am being held. Listen carefully, Zoe. Tell them they must urgently contact Tower Security. They need to ask for Katrina Arquin. Can you remember that name? Tell her I am being held against my will by Matteus.”

“Katrina Arquin, Tower Security,” the goblin repeated carefully. “I’ve got a good memory, ma’am. I won’t forget that name, and Danny my boyfriend will take me. I’ve done all my jobs here, and Danny will be finishing his shift very soon.”

“I can’t thank you enough.” The girl tried in vain to loosen the straps around Shona’s wrists, then fed her some water, which Shona drank gratefully.

“I could try and turn this off,” Zoe said, squinting at the computer.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to meddle with it. It will just make Matteus ask questions. I’ll close my eyes if it gets too bad,” Shona said, wincing as a male orc threw a female orc on a rock and pushed up her skirt.

“Maybe don’t watch this, Zoe,” she said quickly.

“I’ll go then.” Zoe started to move toward the door, then stopped and said again, “Katrina Arquin of Tower Security. Right?”

“That’s it. I can’t thank you enough, Zoe.”

As the goblin turned to go, there were still tears in her eyes. “That video is wrong. That’s not how orcs treat their women.”

“I know.” Shona sighed. “Believe me I know.”

When Tor walked back inside, people kept congratulating him, clapping him on the back. He accepted their kindness with a forced smile, then grabbed Merle by the arm and guided her away from the group she was chatting with. “Merle, I need you to organize my plane back to Motham,” he hissed in her ear.

She raised perfect eyebrows at him. “What now? I thought you were flying back tomorrow.”

“Change of plan. I need to leave in an hour.”

He was sure he saw her roll her eyes, but chose not to fill her in on the story. It was just too complicated.

If Shona was in danger he’d be back there to help, and if she was okay, well, he’d be back in her arms tonight.

He hoped to the gods in heaven it was the latter. He excused himself as his phone rang. It was Katrina. His big hand trembled as he answered.

“She’s not at her place, Tor. Grayson went round and there was no answer, so we broke in. I’m in her apartment now. Her purse is here, her phone. All your messages are unread. I think she may have been forcibly taken. Tor, do you have any idea who could have done this?”

His heart almost stopped beating. Through gritted teeth, he spat, “Matteus fucking Kominsky.”



Finally, the older goblin came and untied Shona’s wrists. She’d spent the last hour with her eyes closed, refusing to watch any more of that rubbish. It was on constant repeat anyway, and looked like it was made years ago, if the crackle and damage on the old celluloid film was anything to go by.

She bet the Counsel of Towns had paid a group of desperate unemployed orcs to perform.

It was degrading, and had the opposite effect than Matteus had intended—it just made her love her orc more.